Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: Psalm 18: God's Way

Monday, July 30, 2012

Psalm 18: God's Way

A blessed week to all of you!  Here is an illustration from my prayer journal.

In life, we make choices every day.  Stephen Covey says, “While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.”  Sometimes it's hard to know what is the right thing to do.  But other times it is clear to us what God's way is.  We can choose to forgive, to love, to be grateful.  And God's promise in Psalm 18 is that His way is unerring.  Lord, let me walk in it!

I'm sharing this with blog friends in  Spiritual SundaysInspire Me Monday, Word Art WednesdayRandom Journal Day, Heartprint Hallelujahs,  Faith-filled Friday, and Art Journal Every Day.

12 blog hugs:

1. joy said...

Thanks for this inspiring post. Yes, God's way is the best to travel:)

2. Maria Ontiveros said...

What a lovely scripture today. It really speaks to me right now. Thank you.
p.s. I'll be mailing your ATC tomorrow.

3. Diane Writes said...

Hi Peggy! Lovely painting and great message. If I may just add, yes we have choices and for every choice we made there are consequences. I also believe that each consequence, whether favorable or unfavorable, always provide us an opportunity to grow and be closer to our Creator.

Hope you are having a great week despite the rainy weather.

4. Liz @ Quirky Vistas said...

What a beautiful prayer journal you must have, and inspiring as well. It looks like you are creating a history book of God's faithfulness and provision with it. What a treasure! Hope you'll stop over for a visit at Quirky Vistas.

5. Pamela said...

It amazes me how fast you draw and paint. This is beautiful and I've tried God's promises and they are indeed true! I want to continue trusting.

6. Karen Letchworth said...

This is such a beautiful truth, and such a beautiful piece of art. Thanks for sharingf it with us in this week's challenge at Word Art Wednesday. We're so glad you chose to join us.
Karen L
Word Art Wednesday

7. Jenny Petricek said...

So true! I think that it's hard for us to make decisions sometimes simply because we can't control what the result will be. Sometimes we overthink and become paralyzed by fear of what could happen--and then we don't take any action. I've learned in the last year, as I've grappled with a possible career change. Jumping in with both feet and going back to school was very hard but has made me feel so much joy for the future. It's so much better than doing nothing and stagnating!

8. Marlena M. said...

I'm so glad you share your work at Word Art Wednesday. We are blessed! I love the peaceful expression on the girl's face and the wonderful verse. Your pieces are so life giving and special!

9. Anonymous said...

Psalm18:31, thank you what a lovely reminder that God is a shield. Lovely post.

10. Charlotte said...

Amen. It is the only wise thing to do.
Thank you for sharing on Spiritual Sundays.

11. Wendy Swenne said...

Wow, this is beautiful. Love your style!

Thanks so much for sharing your art with us on WAW.


12. Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

It's always a blessing to look at your work. May the Lord be with you.

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