Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: Wisdom: Prayer Journal Illustration

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wisdom: Prayer Journal Illustration

Here is an illustration from my prayer journal, as I reflected on James 3.  Even when I think I know more, even when I think I am right, may I have this humility that comes from wisdom.  

And if you're interested in our paint party and a giveaway in the making, please visit my previous posts.

26 blog hugs:

1. MarveLes Art Studios said...

Well Peggy, this is simply charming; so struck by the verse, and the adorable art that frames it perfectly. Beautiful!

2. nannykim said...

That is a neat idea to illustrate a Bible passage in your journal--it would probably help me to memorize. My daughter does this with her kids and they place the illustrations that the kids help to make and put them on their dining room wall. They go over them while they eat.

3. a joyful noise said...

This is lovely and flowing. It refreshes as one views the beautiful art work and the words places so beautifully around it.

4. Lesley Edmonds said...

This is lovely peggy. 'without inconsistency or insincerity' - such a challenge.

5. Anonymous said...

Very creative! So glad God gives us wisdom!

6. Terri Smith said...

Beautiful Illustration Peggy! While Here I Browsed Down To Explore Photos Of The "Paint Party" Posting From Last Saturday. Looked Like Such A Fun Day! And Your Piece Turned Out Wonderfully! And Thanks For Poppin' By My Place During Sneak Peek Friday. It's So Much Fun Catching Up With Fellow Artists. Have A Glorious Weekend. Hugs Of Georgia Sunshine, Terri

7. Shebecomes said...

What a wonderful way to prayer journal! Its a beautfiful thing to worship God with the talents that he has given us.

8. Maria Ontiveros said...

Beautiful colors, as always. And I really like her closed eyes.

9. Stacy @ Heartprints of God said...

What a creative way to express God's Word. Your beautiful artwork radiated humility...and spoke deeply to my heart about my own need to seek more of HIS widsom...the wisdom that produces humility and true beauty.

Thank you for this...and thank you for sharing it at "Heartprints of God". I know you will bless many.


10. Anonymous said...

Wow! This is beautiful. Love the verse. :)

11. martinealison said...

Une grande sensibilité... MA G I FI Q U E...
Gros bisous

12. Tammie Lee said...

a lovely piece.

13. carol l mckenna said...

Lovely creation ~ colorful and love the words ~namaste, carol ^_^

14. Debbie said...

this is beautiful, and the words are so beautiful too.

15. Lisa notes... said...

How beautiful. I once tried to make a word picture of this myself, but not near as pretty!

16. Janine said...

Your illustrations are allways lovely

17. Christine said...

beautiful, and wise words!

18. Tracey FK said...

That yellowy orange dress against the blue is really perfect... seems so fresh and your tonal work is superb as always...xx

19. Rina Peru said...

Hi Peggy, it's my first time to visit your blog and this pretty illustration of one of my favorite verses captured my attention, but when I read your profile I was the more surprised!

Do you sell your drawings? You're like my co-blogger and friend Patsy of Papemelroti (or maybe you're sisters? :) whose artworks I've been smitten with and have bought 3 so far with 1 still in the works).

Can I "copy paste" your James 3:17 to my blog?

Thanks much!

20. Unknown said...

Beautiful page from your prayer journal. Thank you for reminding me of this verse. I memorized the book of James awhile back, and I remember staying on this verse for sometime...hoping that it would all sink in. Blessings!

21. Heather said...

pretty and peaceful!

22. Marie Rayner said...

This is so sweet. I love the colours and the feeling this piece invokes. Beautiful!

23. Charlotte said...

What a beautiful illustration. I'm glad you chose to share it with us.

24. said...

This is great...and a very timely word for me today! Thanks for sharing

25. Unknown said...

This is truly lovely. Im a designer/ editor. Are you aware that you spelled inconsistancy wrong?

26. Beryl Baterina said...

Hi! This is really a great art work. Can I put this image in my blog entry? (Although it is already there, I can remove it if you disapprove.) If you allow it, can I use some of your related images when I write in my blog? I put caption where I grabbed the image. Thank you...

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