Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: WOYWW: WIP

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


There's nothing interesting on my main desk so for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, I'm featuring my prayer desk, all nice and tidy with my bible opened up to a WIP illustration.

And to show you what I've been up to this past week, here's a picture of me and my hubby during our office costume party.

What about you?  What have you been up to?

15 blog hugs:

1. jill said...

You & your husband look really good in fancy dress, hope you had a good time. Happy woyww Jill #4

2. Helen said...

love the office party!! the Bible journalling is going to be gorgeous. Helen #2

3. Bridget Larsen said...

Great looking couple you make and looks like a wonderful time was had
Bridget #1

4. Unknown said...

Great illustrating. Fun photo. Have a great week of crafting. Linda #17

5. Annie said...

Lol I love the photo of you both....what fun.
Have a great week.
Annie x #9

6. My name is Cindy said...

Goodness, is that illustration your own handwriting? AWESOME!! And you two look really cool baby. Hope you had fun. Happy WOYWW Cindy #29

7. CraftygasheadZo said...

Love the bible journalling but oh that fancy dress pic is such fun! Take care Zo xx 39

8. Marit said...

Your journaling on the side ("marge", "sideline"?) of the bible page make it even more special. The photo of you and your hubs is really cute, you must have fun dressing up like that! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #41

9. Maisie Moonshine said...

Looking GROOVY baby!

Beautiful lettering - I'm soooo envious!

Hugs MMx #49

10. Lisca said...

Here is a blog hug from me.
Hey, you and your hubby look great in fancy dress!
Love your Bible verse. It's so true.
Have a good week,

11. Sharon said...

You and your hubby look great. Looks like lots of fun was had. I love your journaling. Your lettering is wonderful.

Sharon K #52

12. Neet said...

Oh Peggy, I love love love the photo of you and your hubby! What fun!
Remember me asking about the Bible Journalling a while back? Well someone had done some at CHA and I got to see the work and it was lovely. A very simple but pale, almost transparent picture of a pregnant lady sticks in my mind. Must see if I took a photograph.
You asked about the Misti - Misti is a great stamping tool. It enables you to stamp in the same place time and time again so is great for solid images that you normally don't get good coverage on, or for batch cards where you want to make lots of the same and line them up. Look at "My Sweet Petunia" for details - can recommend. Tell her I sent you.
Hugs and thanks for the visit - Neet 3 xx

13. kiwimeskreations said...

Love your WIP Peggy - it's looking beautiful!! What a fun party you and your DH must have had.

14. Bridget Larsen said...

P.s. are you going to watch the Miss Universe parade? Congratulations by the way...I have been following Miss Phillipines since that controversial crowing, I love these pageants and have learnt so much about how involved it is in the Phillipines

15. Kyla said...

Great WIP (love your handwriting) and a 'groovy' outfit


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