Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: The Armor of God

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Armor of God

Hello, dear blog friends!  Here is an illustration of Ephesians 6:10-17 from my journal,

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. "

I hope you like it!   I'm sharing this in Show and Tell SaturdayJust Journals, Sunday Sketches and Inspire Me Monday.

I am featured in this week's Inspire Me Monday.  Thank you so much, Ramona!

48 blog hugs:

1. bellefrogworks said...

What a wonderful illustration - that verse has been one of my husband's favorites

2. Barbara Jean said...

Love Ephesians 6 about armor of God. and it works.
I memorized it so I would have the armor wherever I go.

barbara jean

PS you do still have to put it all on though. =)

3. b.b.flockling * Rose said...

Wonderful visual of how we are to appear spiritually. Thank you Lord for the protective effective clothing!! So glad I stopped by tonight...thank, Rose

4. Diane Writes said...

I don't like it... I LOVE IT :D The colors and the message is so true. Thanks for sharing your talent with us Peggy

5. froebelsternchen said...

beautiful ARTWORK!

6. A'n'G Johnson said...

I remember growing up and making pretend with the armor of god. haha. too funny.

7. Unknown said...

Love the artwork... :)

8. Heather said...

your artwork is just lovely! this is really nice.

9. Molly said...

Your colors are perfect....and I really like how you incorporate lettering into your art.

10. Unknown said...

Gorgeous! Love the colors!

11. Lenora said...

a strong girl power piece!

12. Christine said...

Very inspiring piece, it makes me feel stronger already!

13. Magic Love Crow said...

I love her armor! Very strong! She has a sweet face! Have a happy sunday ;o)

14. Tracey FK said...

I do love that hair.... wish mine looked like that.... but great colour and line work ...xx

15. Anonymous said...

wow, perfect for sunday sketches, she's so sweet quite the little warrior

16. Alicia C said...

is this sweet warrior Joan of Arc? beautiful piece!

17. EVA said...

What a great page!

18. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Lovely drawing and coloring. I really like the shield and the way you drew the word "Faith."

I wanted you to know that I am getting rid of the AB 101 class, since it will now be on my blog. Thought you would like to know since it will no longer show up on your Dashboard.

19. Cindy Adkins said...

Oh wow, Peggy, you are always so inspiring and I saw your beautiful work on Inspire Me Monday!!! XO Cindy

20. Victoria said...

Wow..such a Power-piece!! She is radiant and full of light and powerful love! I love the swirls in her hair...she is gorgeous! Inspiring work!
Shine on!

21. Shashi Nayagam said...

Peggy you have a wonderful talent to speak with your beautiful journal pages. They are so beautifully composed.

22. Shashi Nayagam said...

Peggy you have a wonderful talent to speak with your beautiful journal pages. They are so beautifully composed.

23. Kristin said...

Really pretty! You are so talented - and I love her little face! xoxo

24. Cwoods4501 said...

I love this art! It actually looks like my daughter. I wish you could make this into a printable coloring page that she could complete and put in on her school notebook cover.
Let me know if this is possible.


25. Mommafo said...

I am in LOVE with your prayer journal sketches. This would be an amazing wallhanging for my girls. You should really consider reproducing these for sale!

26. Christina said...

I would love to have this displayed in my home. If you have this up for sale somewhere I'd love to know where so I can purchase it.

27. Unknown said...

Please make copies to sell! :) my oldest daughter is turning 7, and has been difficult to get to sleep. I have been telling her about this scripture and would LOVE to put it on her bedroom wall to have her look at when she gets scared and remember the scripture. Please consider :)

28. Patricia said...

I have a children's book blog and would love to have permission to post this image on my sidebar with a link back to this post. Please let me know if this will be alright with you. Maybe talk you into do a guest post for my blog.


29. Adele Creations said...

I, too, would be very interested in buying a copy of this for my daughters room. I'd love something around 16x20. Do you have an Etsy shop? Please let me know. Thank you so very much for sharing this. dynduo98(at)gmail(dot)com

30. Adele Creations said...

I'd be so blessed to have this as well. I'd love to have one around 16x20 for my daughters room. Pleasel et me know if you have an Etsy shop. Thank you for sharing your creativity and design. Very beautiful and fun.

31. Kelly said...

Your work is beautiful!!!!!! Have you considered selling on etsy?

32. Allycia said...

I would love to purchase a large print of this beautiful verse and drawing. It has my daughter written all over it. Please let me know if you decide to sell prints :)

33. Kim said...

What does the entire page look like? It looks as though you cut it off and only the far left part of the page is showing. Is there a place where you show the entire page of the illustration? Please post the link. The part that I can see is really inspirational and beautiful.

34. Unknown said...

I would love a copy of this poster for my daughter's room? Are you selling them?

Lisa L

35. Jen said...

Are you selling these somewhere. I would buy one in a second. If you aren't you should look into etsy? I really love the armor one. We've been talking about the armor in our Bible study and one of the ladies sent this to me. Thanks. =)

36. Diana said...

I agree with the comment from the lady above me. I think this would make a great placemat if laminated for an Easter basket filler. Please let me know if anything like that comes up for sale or on Etsy because I would be all over it.

37. Ann Sanger said...

Thank you for your creative spirit and using your talent to glorify God. I found you on pinterest while searching for a woman putting on her armor. So many were fantasy characters. I will be sharing on a powerpoint slide for my CBS Bible Study giving you credit of course. Thank you and have a blessed day. Ann S

38. gracenotes said...

I just found your blog through a search for bible/scripture journaling on Pinterest. I am so glad that I found you! I too journal from insights gained in my morning walk with the Lord. I am also a watercolorist and have just started doing watercolor sketch journals. The Lord placed it on my heart to search for bible/scripture journaling and I found this lovely, lovely illustration! Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with us! I look forward to journaling scripture through my watercolor very soon! You are very talented and I am sure that God is so happy that you are using the gifts He has given you to further His Work on Earth. Many, many blessings!

39. ~the dickersons said...

Wow, your artwork is beautiful! I was googling scripture artwork for my daughters' rooms and that led me to you. Please tell me you sell your creations?? I would buy in a second! Your drawings bring scripture to life and it would catch the attention of my girls in a heart beat. My email is What a gift you have! Thank you for sharing it with us. ~angie dickerson

40. Anonymous said...

This picture is a beautiful illustration about the true armor if God! I especially like it because it is a girl. I teach young children (4 girls ages 4-9) three of which are my granddaughters; do you sell this picture or is it available as a free download? I would very much like to give this to my granddaughters for their rooms. Thank you so much for posting this.

41. Krischelle said...

This is beautiful! Please tell me how I can download/buy it! I have four daughters and would love to hang it in my house!

42. Unknown said...

I am preparing to lead The Armor of God Bible study by Priscilla Shirer. Is it possible for me to purchase some prints of your Armor of God picture to give to the ten ladies in my Bible study? Contact me at

43. Crasmuss76 said...

Good morning! I am wondering about this beautiful picture of the armored girl. Last year I began a little girls group and we have used this picture each time we have met.
The purpose of the group is for girls between kindergarten and second grade to learn what Christ's attributes look like in their real world, and to become a leader with a servant's heart.
I would like to ask you a couple of questions, could you please email me back? Thank you!

44. Unknown said...

I love your artwork do you sell the full image of the armor of God? When I look at it on the blog page it looks like there is more to the image. Thanks

45. Unknown said...

I LOVE your artwork. May I print some to hang in my baby girl's room? If not is there somewhere I can buy copies?

46. Cassandra Laine said...

Thank you so very much for sharing this drawing! I used it in our family's weekly church lesson we do together. We call it our "Family Home Evening" and we try to teach our kids about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for making such a beautiful and engaging interpretation of "Putting on the whole armor of God!"

47. DI-Yife said...

Hi there! I LOVE your artwork. I am especiallyy interested in The Armor of God as I tutor a homeschooling class and we are learning Ephesians 6 together this year. I am currently putting together ideas for an "end-of-year" gift for my students. I was wondering if the image posted is the full appears to have things in the margins we can't see. My hope was to get your permission to print it off for each kid in my class (there are 10) as a reminder of our scriptural studies this year. Of course, I'd like your permission and the full image if possible. Thank you so much for all of your inspiration.

-Leah Jones
Castle Rock, CO

48. lesashby said...


Is this image for sale? Or may I get the full size image to use for my YW Lesson on Sunday?

I love that your warrior is a girl! My email is:

Thank you!
Leslie Ashby
Roseville, CA

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