Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: Paint Party Friday: Ears Were Opened

Friday, February 10, 2012

Paint Party Friday: Ears Were Opened

Here's a peek at my prayer journal.  I forgot all about posting for Paint Party Friday.  I was too busy painting.

Just as Jesus opened the ears of the deaf man, I pray that he will open my ears to hear him more clearly.  Yes, he has done all things well.  Including me, including you.

Linking up with Studio Sneak Peek and Brag on God Friday as well.

21 blog hugs:

Carolyn Dube said...

Love the way you have used the text as such a great composition element!

Maria Ontiveros said...

The shape of the white and yellow is really wonderful.

Laura @ Beholding Glory said...

Yes mine too!

Throughout the week I seem to anticipate the next drawing/painting. Thank you for using your gift to bless Him and us!!

Elisa Choi said...

i hope he will open my ears to listen to Him more. Thanks and a wonderful spread!

Gail @ said...

I so enjoy your paintings and the message attached to them. Thanks for sharing! I'd love for you to join Bless a Blogger Friday on my's new and small, but your paintings and posts would be such a nice addition. Gail
the B.A.B. hop is here:

SHERI COOK said...

This is wonderful!
Love your art and scripture pieces.
Happy PPF!
Sheri Cook

Debbie said...

Very veyr nice. I'm leading a journal project with some kids at our church. This week I showed them some of your pages -- We all love them.

Netty said...

Beautiful and inspiring page, x

Annabelle said...

Love the scripture and art combined..... beautifully done.

Faye said...

Peggy, I am so much enjoying your illustration of scripture and look forward each week to see what is next. Beautiful job.

EVA said...

Another beautiful page. What a journal!

pauline said...

Love the illustration & especially the text... great work!
Happy PPF. xoxo

carlarey said...

Wonderful illustration, as always.

I am curious, did you draw the expression from your imagination, or did you have a reference? I ask because it looks so much like the expressions of children who have cochlear implants activated, and they hear for the first time.

Priya said...

Using text in art is really cool way to express.... Very nice!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

A really powerful page. Beautiful!

Unknown said...

Love this... I really enjoy your work!

Anonymous said...

Your artwork is always so uplifting Peggy. I enjoy coming by to visit you on PPF. This piece is no exception.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

What a great journal page Peggy! I always love how you place the words around the illustration. Beautiful work!

DVArtist said...

Very nice piece of art. Color and composition.

Cindy said...

Just now getting around to all the sneak peeks...and I hear that you and Patsy are sisters?!? I am so amazed and thrilled for you both! To be able to share creatively and family too!

Kristin said...

Peggy, your pages are gorgeous!! I love the bold yellow here and your lettering is so beautiful, thank you for your visit and Happy Valentines day! xo

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