Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: The Crown of Life

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Crown of Life

Just a quick post to share a part of my journal...

and for Palette and Paint, the box lid which i converted into a tray for my paints, and water soluble pastels.  I find that using these pastels makes it easier for me to cover large areas without getting the page too wet since my journal pages aren't that thick.

58 blog hugs:

Chris said...

Hi Peggy, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

Lesley Edmonds said...

I love that verse! She is just lovely - your shading is really nicely done. Great job.

Laura said...

Love, love, love!

Gloria j Zucaro said...

She is lovely as is the verse. I love your supplies photo!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Beautiful eyes, and I love the flowers in her hair.

Anonymous said...

I agree, her face is so sweet and the flowers in her hair too. Great verse Peggy. Happy PPF! :-)

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

She is so beautiful and I love her eyes. :)

Unknown said...

I adore your palette/supply set up! Thanks for sharing it over at P&P Peggy. Very nice verse and gorgeous drawing. Your blog is always a peaceful,happy place to visit. xx

Netty said...

Beautiful page with such gorgeous colours. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

froebelsternchen said...

beautiful! I love the sofness of colors !

Abela said...

So sweet...Saludos

Sherry said...

Your journal page is gorgeous Peggy - as usual. Lovely soft colours too. Your paint box looks great, who wouldn't want to have a play with all those lovelies!

Thanks for your comment on my heart matchbox, and for the link info to Sarah's blog, I will check that out :)

Anonymous said...

Your illustrations are always so beautiful and you have a gift at scripting - my writing is never that good!

EVA said...

Beautiful and meaningful page!

I especially love the flowers in her hair... well done!

WrightStuff said...

What a sweet and adorable face she has. A lovely piece.

Joan Davis (Jo) said...

I always admire an artist! What a beautiful picture you painted! Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Joan

P.S. I popped over from Brag on God Fridays

Unknown said...

I love the way you incorporate words into your art- it all fits together so beautifully!

Robin Panzer Art said...

Absolutely lovely, serene piece! Happy Paint Party Friday #6 ~Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

Carolyn Dube said...

Fantastic! The softness of your pastels goes so perfectly with her. Her flowing hair and swirls on her dress create such wonderful movement!

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely creation ~ she is well done as well as the words ~namaste,carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy PPF ^_^

pauline said...

Your artwork is fabulous! Such soft colours... and your lettering is amazing! Glad i found you. Happy PPF! xoxo

Mary C. Nasser said...

Your journal is nice.
And I love the photograph of your paint supplies!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Anne Manda said...

So pretty and touching! <3 <3 <3

Anne Manda said...

So pretty and touching! <3 <3 <3

faye said...

Peggy, your journal page is super. I love the beautiful girl and the scriptures are what we need to hear. Keep up the great work.

faye said...

Peggy, your journal page is super. I love the beautiful girl and the scriptures are what we need to hear. Keep up the great work.

Carol said...

A very beautiful page! Love the photo of the supplies also.

Margo said...

These colors work together beautifully, and I love her face!!

Anne Butera said...

This is lovely! Your text looks great and I love the crown in her hair!

Great photo of your palette, too!

Happy PPF!

Daniele Valois said...

so very lovely!

Unknown said...

This is beautiful work Peggy!!!! I am so impressed with this piece....and I love seeing your Studio!!! those paints make me want to start a new piece now!!!!

carlarey said...

Beautiful. It's nice to see your tools, too. I need to try some of those liquid pastels.

Debbie said...

Very beautiful! Your lettering is so nice, and I love seeing your paints and pastels. What a great tip to use the pastels on thinner paper. Have a nice week!

DVArtist said...

Hi Peggy
What a lovely face. Great depth and life in her eyes.

SHERI COOK said...

Wonderful art with a great verse. I realy like her little swirls in the movement of the hair too.
Happy PPF!
Sheri Cook/Happy Horse Studio

Annabelle said...

Nice work and luv the subtle colors in this painting.
Her rose wreath is are the words that surround her.

ANNE said...

What a beautiful and serene face! Lovely job.


Cindy said...

I love this piece - just everything about it! the curls in the hair, the crown of flowers, the beautiful proportions of the face...and of course the beautiful "crown" verse! I is just devotional to look at!

Carola Bartz said...

She has such a sweet face, Peggy - a very beautiful journal page.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Oh she is so beautiful. Love the flowers in her hair. Love James 1:17. Thanks for sharing Peggy! :)

Anonymous said...

I love this! Your text is perfect!
Thank you very much for sharing.


Unknown said...

Love it! I stll have to improve my texts....

Heather said...

this is a beautiful piece- everything about her face is just so pretty - and i love the roses in her hair!

*jean* said...

gorgeous!! happy PPF!

Christine said...

She's beautiful! I'm touched by your faith.

Gwen said...

Such a beautiful painting... a joy to behold!

Lenora said...

strong, happy, soulfull..

Lenora said...

Have been enjoying your blog, asses as a follower - thx!

Tammie Lee said...

this is lovely~
enjoyed seeing your lid/tray also, great idea, especially for those of us that work on our couch! ha.
what do you use to fix the pastel on your pages?

Janine said...

Ahhh it´s beautiful

Molly said...

i like the softness of the colors and texture with the pastels.

and great idea for turning your paint cover into a larger palette.

Renee! said...

Oh my goodness girl! Thanks so much for the blog hugs!!! I love seeing your smiling face beside your comment... what a blessing. I also love your post above... we all have trying times and it's a great reminder that enduring and staying strong has it's rewards! Thanks again...

Sabina said...

Great job on the girl's face and all the perfectly written text.

Sharon said...

What beautiful artwork! I love the hope these verses provide - thanks for sharing.

FLO said...

Hi Peggy, I love the expression of this girl. I hope you had a great week end.
Excuse my bad english!

Tracey FK said...

nice to see the tray with all those goodies in it though they look pretty neat and organised.... as to the work this week... there is that awesome hair again... you are like the queen of hair at the moment... very cool...xx

Lisa Richards said...

Your journal posts are so
"God breathed". You pick such beautiful verses that really speak to my heart and your ladies are spectacular!

Nann said...

I love how you shared your desk and paints. I'm newish to journaling and even to following blogs, and yours are lovely and inspiring! Thank you for sharing! May God richly bless you!

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