Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: So You Think You Can't Draw?

Friday, April 20, 2012

So You Think You Can't Draw?

Today my daughter is graduating from Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Communication, Magna cum Laude (with honors)!  Four years ago, when she just started her course, she came home one day, so discouraged.  She said her teacher, dismayed at their drawings, told her class, "There are some of you here who have no right to be here."  My daughter told me, "I think I am one of those, because I don't know how to draw and some of my classmates are so good."  "What?!  Don't believe him", I told her, "That's why you go to school, to learn!  Prove him wrong!"  Well, the rest is history.  She did prove him wrong and now I use her as an example to those who say they can't draw.  Congratulations, dear daughter!

First step in learning to draw, believe you can!

Last Saturday, my sister Patsy and I had another "crafternoon paint party"!  First we made backgrounds and then, although I am no expert, I gave them their first lesson in drawing a face.  Everyone gamely followed instructions.  Here are some sketches I made while teaching them.  I had them draw an egg for the head...

and then I gave them guidelines of where to put the eyes and nose and lips...

I think they look quite pleased with their drawings!  They can draw, don't you think?

Here is a painting I made that day.  Patsy taught us how to transfer the words using gel medium and inverted letters printed in a copier...

Today, I am also celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary (with my second husband)!  If you haven't read my past posts, I was widowed when I was 33 years old (my sharing about that here) and remarried in 2002.    So it is a doubly special day today!  God is good!

Linking up with Paint Party FridayStudio Sneak Peak, Sunday Sketches, and Inspire Me Monday.  And if you haven't yet, you may want to join my giveaway!

54 blog hugs:

1. Lesley Edmonds said...

God is good indeed! Happy Anniversary and graduation congratulations.
I shall just go and put on my invisible crown...I forgot this morning.
Great picture.
Happy PPF.

2. Diane Writes said...

Wow! So many blessings and reasons to celebrate Peggy! Congratulations to your daughter and to you of course. Graduations are for mothers too. I'm sure you are a great influence to your daughter's achievement.

Wishing you more happiness and blessings!

3. Annie said...

Huge congrats to you both on your special day. What fab snaps of the drawing class. It looks like they are all very proud of their acheivements.
A x

4. Netty said...

Congratulations to both of you on this wonderful day. That is such a fab picture with everyone so happy making art. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

5. Annie Lightbulb said...

Good for you, yeah!

6. Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Congrats to your daughter! :) Looks like you had a fantastic afternoon painting. Everybody looks very proud of their work. :)

7. CraftygasheadZo said...

Congratulations to you and your daughter! Zo xx

8. Abela said...

Congratulations! life always gives you good things after the bad. Good work session yours. Best regards

9. Anonymous said...

congratulations! on both the aniversary and your daughters success! Such an inspirational post!

10. carol l mckenna said...

Happy Anniversary and Congrats to your daughter ~ Wonderful creations and fun group ~thanks for sharing, namaste, ^_^

11. wednesday said...

Congratulations to your daughter, and to you on your anniversary.
It must be such fun for you and Patsy to teach your friends to draw.

12. Kim Dellow said...

Big congrats to you both and I love the piccies, looks like lots of fun! Kim

13. bellefrogworks said...

Drawing was so scary to me also - now I just do it. So sad that one who is given the privilege of teaching was so discouraging! Congrats to your daughter and happy anniversary to you!

14. Debbie said...

So many wonderful things going on in your life right now. Happy Anniversary! I believe that everybody can learn to draw -- you are such an inspiration to be teaching your friends.

15. kristin maynes said...

Great post! I have a hard time with faces, often! Thanks for the tips. Love your work!

16. Unknown said...

WONDERFUL news about your daughter- I know you are SO proud! Beautiful art too!
Happy PPF,

17. Sonya Badgley said...

Hi Peggy,
Congratulations to your daughter! I'm so glad she didn't give up! And congratulations to you on your anniversary!
Looks like you and the girls had a wonderful time at your paint party.
I love your "Invisible Crown" painting. It's just beautiful.
Have a great time celebrating,

18. Sonya Badgley said...

I just read your post from 2010. It was a beautiful post, Peggy. Just what I needed to hear right now. I haven't even been visiting anyone's blog lately as you know why and for some reason I went to your today. It wasn't an accident was it? :) Thank you for the reminder that my Lord WILL carry me through this time and with His grace that though it is a rough time that He will sustain me.
God bless you, dear friend,

19. Anne Manda said...

Congratulations to you and your daughter Peggy! Love your painting, so evocative!

20. Julia Dunnit said...

Well I say, double congratulations are due...your daughter has done so well, congratulations to her. And on your anniversary too, how marvellous that you found love again Peggy, it really is a gift. Look at all those beautiful faces - and they even had time to paint and gals are great teachers.

21. Jenn said...

Congratulations to your daughter on such a wonderful achievement and Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!

Crafternoons sound like so much fun and what a nice gathering you had!!! Love your painting!

22. Mary C. Nasser said...

Happy 10th anniversary!
And what an amazing way to celebrate...with an invisible crown!
I love it.
Did read your prior post about becoming a brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat. You are a great example of one with much faith. You are inspiring!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

23. Christine said...

congrats to your daughter and to you and your husband!

Lovely art.

And I was touched reading your story about the passing of your first husband and how your faith got you through that tough time. Thanks for sharing, it's an inspiration.

24. Kristin said...

Ooooh, what a fun party! What a great way to get the girls together - and I LOVE your result. AND! I have never thought of transferring letters with gel. That is so cool - I really wanna try it.
Have a great weekend, xoxo

25. JoZart Designs said...

Happy anniversary! I read your moving story and it is lovely to see the way the Lord works.
love joZarty x

26. VonnyK said...

Congratulations to your daughter and for your anniversary. You must be so proud of your daughter. I was told by my art teacher at school that I couldn't draw and so never persued it but now I have retired I am loving art. Wish I hadn't given up in the first place.
Love your pictures and everyone should be very proud of themselves.
Hugs Von

27. pauline said...

Congratulations on the anniversary, and yes Peggy, this group of women CAN draw!! Loved the story about your daughter. (Congrats to her too!!) Yes, belief in ourselves makes all the difference in the world. xoxo

28. Leovi said...

Good idea, I have been very nice, happy anniversary.

29. Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Congratulations to your daughter! Oh how proud you must be. It will be so wonderful to watch her take off! Crafternoon party... love it! Great job with the face lesson. They all look fantastic! Happy Anniversary! :)

30. deeplyrootedinbeing said...

Love the quote- always wear your invisible crown. Thanks for sharing your lovely work!

31. Lynn Cohen said...

Congrats and bravo to daughter.
Congrats to you and husband.
Congrats to group who produced so much fun art, yourself included!

32. Sherri A. Ohler said...

Stopping over from Studio JRU :) Great post! Congrats to your daughter and to you and your husband for your 10th as well :)

God is SO good!
Sherri Ohler

33. Carola Bartz said...

Congratulations on both your wedding anniversary and your daughter's graduation - those are big milestones!!

34. Maria Ontiveros said...

What a gift you gave those women. Bless you.

35. Vee said...

I hope that you had a happy anniversary! That is an awesome story about your daughter and one I definitely keep in mind.

36. Princess Judy Palmer said...

I love the saying "crafternoon." I totally need to incorporate that into my day. Do you think my boss with mind? I just hate it when teachers discourage people (or when anyone discourages anyone really but especially teachers). Their goal is to teach and inspire, not to cut people down. Kudos to your daughter for showing that teacher up! And kudos to all your crafternoon ladies for drawing faces. I know I could draw I just don't have the patience to learn. I want it NOW. That is, for sure, why I stamp, and probably also why I make simpler cards than some. They make me happy though and that's what it's all about!

37. Unknown said...

Fabulous work, and what fun. Happy Anniversary, hope you had a lovely day. Ev

38. Faye said...

What a wonderful idea, a crafternoon party! And your posting the face is good for viewers wanting to learn to draw faces. Congratulations on your 10th year anniversary. God is good indeed. Faye

39. Shashi Nayagam said...


40. Gloria j Zucaro said...

You are an accomplished woman! A wife, a mother, an artist and a teacher! How wonderful to open people's eyes to what they can do! your painting is beautiful. You are very good at faces, and I love the balance of the trees, too.

41. joy said...

What an inspiration for me who really want to draw , but don't know how. And I wish I could be there with you and learn.Congratulation to your daughter and for you:)

42. Anonymous said...

Some teachers shouldn't be teachers. Congrats to both you and your daughter. I love your invisible crown!

43. WrightStuff said...

That comment from those teachers makes me so cross. Imagine what that does to the confidence of students!

I am reading a book by Benjamin Zander - music teacher and famous conductor. He explains that he gives all his students an A right at the beginning then lets them set out and prove why they deserve it. What a difference!

44. Unknown said...

Congratulations to you and your daughter...wonderful painting. Everyone can draw, you just need to want too... :)

45. Molly said...

Congratulations to your daughter on her graduation! So glad she had you to encourage her not to give up!

And happy anniversary to you!

love your painting-- and that is one of my favorite quotes!

46. Heather said...

This is a wonderful post - full of positive energy -
I loved it - congratulations on your 10 year anniversary - isn't amazing what life holds in store for us...
and for your daughter - CONGRATULATIONS....all the best to you and your family today

47. Debbie said...

congratulations to you and your husband and also to your daughter! God is good! You did a great job teaching the girls and your painting is so wonderful; it's full of great colors.

48. Sinderella's Studio said...

love the post - congrats on your 10th!!!! I would love to see the lesson on transferring the letters!
cheers, dana

49. Tracey FK said...

Congrats to your daughter and that class looks as though everyone has had the most wonderful creative time...xx

50. Tam Hess said...

YA! Way to go daughter. Those pompous egotistical teachers. Congratulations to her and you on your 10th wedding anniversary! Your class looks like a blast too.

51. Create With Joy said...

Congratulations, Peggy - you AND your daughter are featured on this week's Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy!

I can't wait to see what you'll be sharing this week!

I also want to congratulate you on your anniversary. Your post moved me. I have to write you privately when I am feeling better (I've been under the weather all week)

Create With Joy

52. Lisa Richards said...

What a beautiful group of ladies and some wonderful pieces of art! :D

53. Lisabella Russo said...

Congratulations to you and your daughter! I am so glad you encouraged her to persevere. I love that piece you did as well.

54. Sabina said...

Happy anniversary, and also congrats to your daughter. And it's actually kind of funny the way teachers try to scare students into working hard. Sometimes it's effective at doing that. Other times it's just effective at traumatizing people.

Anyway beautiful illustration--I think this one is my favorite so far., Your girl is really pretty.

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