Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: Blessed Is the Man: Prayer Journal Illustration

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Blessed Is the Man: Prayer Journal Illustration

Here is another page from my prayer journal with verses from the book of Jeremiah and Psalm 1.   Indeed, blessed is the man (and woman) who trusts in the Lord!

I'll be linking this up to Sunday Sketches and Inspire Me Monday.

19 blog hugs:

Denise said...

Beautiful idea to do a prayer art journal.I've done faith art journals, but My prayer art journal would be done differently.I'm always looking for new ideas.Thanks Denise

martinealison said...

Une autre très belle illustration... Je vous envoie de gros bisous.

Maria Ontiveros said...

More water - I love how you're using that right now.

Unknown said...

Beautiful artwork... :)

Tammie Lee said...

such a wonderful tree
and hill
and waves

Melisa said...

Beautiful and powerful!

Unknown said...

That is gorgeous.

carol l mckenna said...

Very beautiful prayer art journal ~ lovely idea ~ Wow! ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

Debbie said...

i love your idea of a prayer journal! wonderful tree and verse too!

GalleryJuana said...

beautiful illustration and cool waves.
thanks for the visit.

Lisa Richards said...

You've also inspired me to begin an illustrated prayer or Bible study journal. I'm excited about this! I really want to use art to glorify God and this is one really good way! :D

Joanne Osband said...

Your tree is magnificent!!! The lines and shapes and colors are awesome.

Alicia C said...

I love this! A perfect mix of earth and water elements. WHat a nice tree! thanks for sharing!

Lisa Graham said...

This is full of peace and comfort. Hope you have a good week.

Sharon said...

I follow your blog and your art work is such a blessing.

kat said...

Hello, what bright positive feelings are here, your colours are as bright as a summer's day and I love your big apple tree, gorgeous!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Beautiful! Love the sweet tree! :)

The Weekend Artist said...

Had a great time dropping by your blog! So many inspiring works and reflections!

Barbara Jean said...


barbara jean

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