Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: WOYWW: Walking Where Jesus Walked

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

WOYWW: Walking Where Jesus Walked


I have just come back from an amazing pilgrimage to Jordan, Israel and Egypt (and a side trip to Taiwan).  No time to put away all the maps and brochures I collected along the way so they are all on my desk today for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday.  

In Jordan, we visited the Jordan River, the place where Jesus was baptized.   I put my hand in the flowing brown water.  This is where Jesus was!  Fr. Dave, who was leading our pilgrimage, invited us to look at the muddy waters of the river, made holy because Jesus chose it for His baptism.  And so now, it is set apart among all other rivers.  Holy, even if it is muddy.  And so it is with us, sinful and dirty though we are, when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He chooses us to be His, set us apart for Him, holy.  Reflecting on this while looking at the muddy river, so grateful for God's goodness and mercy, it was hard to keep from crying (actually, all throughout the trip, I seemed to be crying!)

Right there, in the river where Jesus was baptized, we renewed our baptismal vows, and one by one Fr.Dave anointed us with water from the Jordan. Here is an illustration I made in my pilgrimage journal...

And as I often do, I leave you with a page from my prayer journal...


 God spoke to me through His Son, Jesus, as I walked where He walked in the Holy Land.  Hopefully, I will get to share a bit of the places I visited in the coming days.  For now, why not visit the WOYWW, Word Art Wednesday and Inspire Me Monday lists!

26 blog hugs:

1. scrappymo! said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip. It must have been very emotionally moving!

2. okienurse said...

What an awesome trip! I would imagine you came back rejuvenated! I know I would have! Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Vickie #28

3. Unknown said...

Looking at your drawings you are one talented artist madam. What a wonderful amazing experience to be standing there. I would be in tears too. HAPPY WOYWW!
~Christina 13

4. Jackie said...

It sounds like a very inspiring trip which will give your inspiration for a long time
Jackie 19

5. Helen said...

What an inspiring trip that must have been! I love all the maps and mementos on your desk. Helen, 5

6. Annie said...

That sounds like a very special trip you've been on. Thanks for sharing it with us.
A x # 52

7. sandra de said...

What an amazing trip, I imagine this has been a wish of yours for a long time. How lovely to actually get to these amazing places.
Sandra @83

8. Heathers Inspiration said...

How Lovely to go on your special trip and your artwork reflects it so beautifully x
Happy WOYWW Heather # 72

9. ria gall said...

what a very busy desk but your trip sounds amazing very uplifting by the sounds of it.
Wishing you a Happy WOYWW

10. Vilisi said...

Thank you for sharing about your beautiful experience. I enjoyed reading it especially the analogy of the muddy water of the Jordan river and your response to God's mercy. Beautiful. :)

11. Glenda said...

What an amazing trip that must have been! Thank you for the photo of the Jordan river. I had never seen that before! Glenda #88

12. Lori said...

Sounds like an amazing trip. So cool.
Lori #57

13. mamapez5 said...

What a very special trip. I am glad you found it so fulfilling. You are illustrating it beautifully too. Kate x #84

14. LisaDV said...

What an amazing trip to have gone on! Your pages are fabulous as well. Happy WOYWW! LisaDV #145

15. Laura said...

What a special experience.
Happy WOYWW, have a super week,
Laura 146

16. Liz B said...

What an amazing experience that must have been! I look forward to seeing more sketches of your trip!

17. Kimberly at ArtJoyStuff said...

Oh Peggy, I have tears in my eyes just reading your post, I cannot even begin to imagine the overwhelming feelings you must have had. You are so blessed to have been able to take such a pilgrimage.
Blessiongs and JOY to you,

18. Susan said...

Wow. Amazing pages. Thanks so much for sharing your heart and your art.

19. Nancy McCarroll said...

I am glad you could make this moving pilgrimage. Bet you are emotionally exhausted but also revived by this experience.

20. Meihsia Liu said...

Wow... the illustrations are awesome! What a wonderful journey! Thank you for sharing.. :)

21. Karen Letchworth said...

What an amazing experience you had, and thank you for taking us on the journey and sharing it all with us. What a wonderful experience. I appreciate having you share your art and your trip with us!
Word Art Wednesday

22. Tertia said...

What a fantastic trip that must have been. It sounds amazing. Love the journal page.
Happy belated WOYWW!
Tertia #20

23. 505whimsygirl said...

Hi Peggy,

Wow, what a wonderful trip. Your journal page looks great; what an inspiration this trip must have been for you.

Thanks for visiting me already. I think I'll be desk hopping through the weekend!

Happy belated WOYWW
Peace, Kay #2

24. MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

What a wonderfully inspirational journey for you. I can understand you being so emotional, and I am sure it will reflect in your crafting as well as the rest of your life. xx Maggie #42

25. VonnyK said...

A very inspirational journey and such lovely artwork too.
Have a great week.
Von #62

26. Jo Ann said...

What an exciting journey for you to see where Jesus walked. I am looking forward for the same opportunity in the future. Love seeing all your artwork and you always make great stuff. So glad you blessed us with your wonderful project this week at Word Art Wednesday. Big hugs, always!


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