Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Renovation Plans

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Renovation Plans

On my desk for WOYWW, our weekly show and tell, are some plans I am working on.  My friend bought a house and the plan is not good (an understatement) so I am helping her plan for a renovation.  I don't think I have mentioned it before - I am an architect by education.

It is difficult to plan from an existing plan with existing structural foundations which can't be changed.  It is much easier to plan from scratch and build the structural foundation according to the plan. Much like life, I think.  Much better to make good decisions from the start, to try to live life according to God's plan for my life than to do it my way and have to fix up the consequences of bad decisions.  And so I try to follow God's plan, and do as this verse from the bible says...

Peeking out from under the plans I'm working on is a page from my Altered Book (for Elizabeth's Altered Book course).  My Altered Book has pages of different countries.  I am sure you can guess what country this page is about!

Check out other desks and join in the fun of WOYWW! And I'm also linking up to Word Art Wednesday Faith-filled FridayHeartprint Hallelujahs, Art Journal Every Day and Spiritual Sundays.

32 blog hugs:

1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Well knock me over with a stick. I had no idea you were an architect. You hid that fact well. I agree that starting from scratch is easier, but there are sometimes advantages to renovation.

Golly, I'm not sure what country that page is (grin). Happy WOYWW from #1

2. Create With Joy said...

Wow, Peggy, you learn something new about your friends every day!

Love your post and those plans caught my eye given my current situation!

Have a wonderful WOYWW and thank you for always inspiring us with your beautiful art!

Create With Joy - #15

3. Danielle said...

Loved this post! I enjoyed your take on better to get it right the first time than to have to do it again. dani #31

4. martinealison said...

Une bien jolie publication...
Il est juste que si nous prenions un bon départ dans notre vie tout serait beaucoup plus simple... Seulement malheureusement nous nous engageons parfois dans un chemin qui n'est pas toujours le bon... Il faut alors essayer d'éviter de trop s'égarer... pas chose facile...

Gros bisous.

5. sandra de said...

Wonderful Altered book, mine is having a little rest at the moment. I get distracted by so many other projects. I love how you humbly mention you are an architect. I think you are an incredibly talented creative child of God.
Sandra @43

6. SandeeNC said...

So glad you can help your friend out with their redo! Love the AB page ;) waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

7. Sandy said...

your altered book looks great. Love the verse and the way you have done it. Sandy :) #39

8. Helen said...

How fascinating your career must be! Well done on keeping going with your altered book, I have abandoned mine! Helen 16

9. Astrid Maclean said...

Gosh, so you are an architect too as well as an artist! Your drawing like always looks amazing!
Happy WOYWW #42

10. mamapez5 said...

Well Peggy, we could all be wiser about the decisions we make, if we lived according to this verse. As my son (aged 25) posted to my Grandson (aged 17) on Fb last night, "Don't learn by copying me learn by the mistakes I made and don't make them!". We are all wiser after the event.
Good luck with the plans. We see a lot of that out here where people buy an old finca and try to rebuild it within the footings of the original. Sadly they often destroy the character of the place.
Thanks for your e-mail. I will post your ATC tomorrow as I am out today and will miss the PO.
Kate x 81

11. Lunch Lady Jan said...

It's so interesting hearing about what people have done in their lives - your training as an architect makes sense now. I have always marvelled at the clean lines and beautiful graphic design in your work..that obviously all stems from your architectural experience. Good luck with the plans and I loved the verse you chose.
Hugs, lLJ #57 xx

12. CraftygasheadZo said...

Wow an Architect! I must admit I love planning rooms and designing interiors, just for me, no training, just love imagining how things could be. But to design a whole thing, that is so cool. Fab verse too. Take care, enjoy desk hopping! Zo xx 62

13. Unknown said...

Morning Peggy - how great to be able to help your friend out in this way. I think though that if we never made a mistake then we would lose the opportunity to grow and to appreciate it when things go right.

Your friend will benefit from the things you have learned and the mistakes you have no doubt seen made in your line of work. I hope she is getting a fab craft room - who needs a kitchen anyway :-)
WOYWW Hugs from Helen 69

14. Annie said...

I can see you have many hidden talents :-)
I'm doing a quick blog hop while the twins nap :-)
A x #58

15. jill said...

Thanks for sharing your desk with us , happy crafting jill #73

16. Jingle said...

I love architectural plans! Such a fabulous form of art! That's cool that you are an architect!

17. Hazel said...

I love your artwork. Hope the plan goes well. Thanks for a peep at your workspace. Hope you have a good week - Hazel, WOYWW #124 x

18. Princess Judy Palmer said...

An architect! How fun! And how different from the other creative stuff you do. Indeed it is better to start with a primo foundation, but it is great that we can work and change what we are given and make a not-so-great foundation into something that works for us. Thanks for being you!

19. Mary Jo said...

Fun! My ten year old son dreams of being an architect! :)
Mary Jo #107

20. kay said...

am impressed at your talents :)
have a fabby crafty week
kay #52

21. May said...

Fabulous artwork as always... have a great week, Hugs May x x x#8

22. Neesie said...

So you're not only creative and talented your also a clever bunny to boot!
Enjoyed my visit to your space. Happy WOYWW ~ Neesie #14

23. BJ said...

Love you scripture page and your altered book looks like it is coming on nicely - have you done the UK yet? BJ#80

24. Shoshi said...

How wonderful that you are an architect as well, Peggy! Your art certainly finds expression in very different ways. I love the life lesson from your experience of having to remodel a house on an unchangeable fixed foundation - this is so very true! The shape of the foundation determines the shape of the building. If we build on the foundation of the Lord Jesus, our building will resemble Him, and this is His greatest desire for our lives! I often think we make monstrosities with our own plans of what bricks should go where, when if we stuck to the Divine Plan, a building of exquisite simplicity and beauty would be erected!

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, and glad you like my palette - I'm afraid your email hasn't reached me (yet) - I've checked my spam folder too, but it hasn't come. Would you mind trying again, please? So looking foward to swapping ATCs with you!!

Happy belated WOYWW,

25. Unknown said...

I am visiting from Faith Filled Fridays blog hop. Great post! It always to easier to be in obedience the first time than to have to fix it. I have learned the hard way one too many times!!

26. Karen Letchworth said...

You're SO right. God's plan for our lives is always so much better than trying to do it by ourselves. We may not always understand the wisdom of His plan, but what a blessing to know that He always has it all under control. I couldn't get through this crazy life without that blessed assurance. Thanks so much for sharing your art, as well as your heart. It's really a blessing.
Have a super week!
Karen L
Word Art Wednesday

27. Marlena M. said...

Your work is intriguing Peggy~thank you so much for sharing it at Word Art Wednesday. I love your thoughts too~

28. Carol said...

Great art journal page, I like the lettering and drawing! So pretty! Thanks for sharing over at WAW.

29. Eliza said...

Sounds like your friend has the best person looking out for her best interests. That is one big job you have ahead of you. Love your journal pages to 'Make every effort' it seems to be perfect words and all.

Eliza #11

30. Morti said...

Some wise words there, Lady! Didn't realise you're an architect by education - explains quite a lot! Hopefully you'll be able to set your friend on the right lines...

Thanks for stopping by.

31. Jenny Petricek said...

Hi Peggy! So interesting to know that you're an architect! I wanted so badly to be one when I was growing up, but with math being my hardest subject I didn't think I could succeed in that profession!:-( Am very interested to hear more about the remodeling project you're involved in, as well as to take a peek inside your altered book!:-)

32. Wendy Swenne said...

I love your art journal page. Love the girl in it and the written sentiment. Really love this.

Thanks so much for playing along with us on WAW.


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