Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Giveaway Girls

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Giveaway Girls

Whooosh!  The week seems to have whizzed past me and it's Wednesday again - time for the weekly show and tell, WOYWW.  A heartfelt thank you for all your lovely comments!  I think it's time I got ready for a thank you giveaway and so I am finishing some paintings that have been UFOs (UnFinished Objects) long enough!  

And, because it is the 25th of the month, it's Orange Day!  Please wear orange if you would like to participate in the UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaignraising awareness about the issue of violence against women and girls.  I'm wearing orange today!

Have a lovely week, dear blog friends!

30 blog hugs:

1. Spyder said...

Good morning! my goodness your artwork gets better and better every week.These are fabulous, I sooo must start painting again. Thank you for sharing with us all!
no number yet!

2. martinealison said...

Un bel hommage que celui-ci qui ponctue la non violence envers les femmes.
En réfléchissant la petite femme de ma dernière peinture qui se trouve sur mon blog porte un paréo orange et au moment où j'écris je porte aussi une veste orange !...
Je suis parfaitement dans le thème.

De gros bisous et si je ne trouve pas un petit moment avant mon départ pour vous faire un coucou, sachez que je serai de retour à la mi-septembre.

3. LiliansArt said...

Beautiful acts and I can't believe it is woyww already!

4. SandeeNC said...

I have a few UFO's floating around in my craft room too, lol waving hi, waiting for Julia to post, from the hills of North Carolina :)

5. Inkypinkycraft said...

The artwork on your desk is amazing! Have great week trace.x 9

6. Annie said...

So many lovely pieces of art on your desk today....each one different and yet so lovely.
A x #31

7. Judys Lace Creations said...

Yes I enjoy looking at your art work too.
What a sad indictment on our society that we need to campaign against violence against women and girls.

8. Helen said...

yes, the weeks fly by.... love your unfinished objects already! Helen, 6

9. Unknown said...

Great UFO's, I have a couple of those in a folder! Love your fab artwork.
Cheers from Elaine @ #10

10. Unknown said...

I love that term! and I definitely have plenty of UFOs at my house!! Your portraits are beautiful Peggy you are very talented. I might not have anything orange to wear but I definitely am united with any cause to stop violence of any kind. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 39

11. Lynn Holland said...

I'm away this week but have linked one of our days out
Lynn 47

12. mamapez5 said...

Hi Peggy. I am wearing orange today, but I didn't know why until you told me!
Your lovely ladies are so very lovely. Have a good Wednesday. Kate # 52

13. Eliza said...


didn't know it was orange day today but I will wear it tomorrow just for you and the cause because today is coming to an end here. Hope that is alright.

Love your ladies, beautiful like always. Thanks for sharing

Eliza #16

14. Julia Dunnit said...

Oh my word, I did not know about orange day. Will fashion myself a ribbon pin straight away. meanwhile, UFOs seem to be on all our minds...mind you, none of mine are a glamorous as yours!

15. May said...

Your art work is simply AmAzing... great UFO's.. will have a look for something orange to wear to support orange day... Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x#11

16. Trish Latimer said...

Love your art, its wonderful!! xx Trish #55

17. Danielle said...

Beautiful artwork! Thanks for sharing about wearing orange. I grew up with domestic violence and it is something that is near and dear to my heart. dani #110

18. CraftygasheadZo said...

Beautiful work. Take care & enjoy this week's desk hop/nose/snoop. Zo xx 69

19. Unknown said...

Those are gorgeous~~ #102

20. YoriとYayie said...

pretty!!! wish I could draw but alas.. I think my mom was asleep when God showered the earth with drawing talent... #110 Riya

21. Lunch Lady Jan said...

I didn't know it was Orange day, will wear some orange beads to show respect. Love your painted ladies, they're beautiful :D
Hugs, LLJ #28 xx

22. Princess Judy Palmer said...

I was sitting here trying to decide if I even owned any orange clothes. I used to have a top but either I got fat or it shrunk. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Your UFOs aren't looking too unfinished to me. In fact, they look fabulous!

23. Tammie Lee said...

your paintings are gorgeous.
such a wonderful cause!

24. Neet said...

Love those atc's as always, your work is so beautiful. Sorry I am late for the orange but I did wear tan and now I look it had an orange stripe across the top - two in fact.
Take care - Hugs Neet xx 8

25. Shoshi said...

Beautiful, beautiful art work as always, Peggy! Thanks for sharing.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #51

26. scrappymo! said...

I have UFO's as well...the way I look at it is if we didn't start something we would never finish. There is no rule that each must be completed B4 we have a new start...

27. scrappymo! said...

I think many of us have UFO's...the way I look at it is that if we didn't start something we would never finish anything.
Thank goodness there is no rule that we can't start another something before we finish the first or I would get really bored fast!!!

28. Lindsay Weirich said...

beautiful work! Happy WOYWW!

29. Lindsay Weirich said...

beautiful work! Happy WOYWW!

30. Shoshi said...

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, Peggy. Glad you enjoyed my annotated photo, and I don't suppose I'll ever manage to visit every desk again - especially if Blogger keeps playing up and not loading pages properly.

Have a great weekend,
Shoshi #51

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