Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday: An Assortment

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday: An Assortment

For this week's edition of WOYWW, where bloggers around the world get together to show off their desk and take a peek at other's desks,  here is my desk (this is the neat part!)

A few close-ups.  Some ATCs that I will scan before I send off to new homes.  Thank you, dear blog friends, for offers to trade!  I will check to see if I have enough (and make a draw if not).  Hopefully, I can send these out soon.  Also, a page from my prayer journal (I am also scanning the pages and in my previous posts, I have pages from my journal).

A page in the making from my "Journey" altered book (I'm not sure if I've shown you this Hongkong page.)  If you are interested in making an altered book, the Altered Book course is available in Elizabeth's blog.

And here is a little tin from Heidelberg, Germany.  I asked my hubby if he had any tin cans I could  cut up for a project and this is what he gave me. Oh no, it's too cute.  I'll keep it as it is!

Check out what everyone else has been up to!  Julia has the WOYWW list.

36 blog hugs:

1. Jenny Petricek said...

Hi Peggy! It's been awhile since I've visited and all I can say is WOW! You've got some lovely, lovely projects going on! I especially admire your altered book celebrating Hong Kong and the little German tin! I'm a Deutschophile as most of my ancestors were from Saxony, and love to see the kinds of vintage paper and ephemera artists are able to find and use in their work.

2. Joynana said...

Both of your journals are wonderful. So full of color and lovely images. I want to be able to draw something more than stick figures. I would love to swap with you. I made several more and I have 5 that I can swap. #17

3. martinealison said...

Une très jolie publication...
Vos illustrations sont vraiment merveilleuses.

Gros bisous.

4. SandeeNC said...

Loving both the art journal page and the AB page!! That tin is too cute, so what's a girl to do with it? waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

5. Neil said...

Hi there. Nice to pop in and see your creative world this week. I won't stay long; don't want to give you my cold! Hope you have a good creative week though.
Neil # 33

6. okienurse said...

Love your journals and ATC's Peggy. I am with you on not cutting that tin up it is way to cute for that. Good for holding buttons or other little bits. Have a great week. Vickie #36

7. Helen said...

Love the atc's and yru journal. have a great day. helen, 12

8. Sunshine Girl said...

Fabulous ATCs and journal there. Have a fabulous week and thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl - No. 58

9. Annie said...

Gorgeous ATCs Peggy. You are such a talented artist.
A x #66

10. Karen said...

Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, positivity helps. Send your sister my best wishes and keep smiling!! Karen T, 77 x

11. Julia Dunnit said...

Oh I agree, too pretty a tin..funny what we can be sentimental about, huh! Are you scanning the pages to print a book? I think that would be marvellous.

12. Hazel said...

Beautiful artwork - love the prayer page in your journal. Thanks for sharing your workspace with us. Hope you have a good week. Hazel WOYWW #20 x

13. Neet said...

No way can you cut that tin, it needs keeping pristine - a work of art in its own right.
A lovely page as always in your journal and a lovely page in your AB too.
Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #3 xx

14. sandra de said...

Beautiful ATC's and your journal page is amazing. The little tin is a treasure I can see why you don't want to cut it up.
Sandra /@99

15. Glenda said...

Gorgeous projects going on here. Happy WOYWW!
Glenda 100

16. MrsC.x said...

both your books are fab i love the pic of the girl and the bird so did my 2yr old who screammed BIRD PITTY {pretty} :)
TFS Happy WOYWW xx Charlie.xx #72

17. Danielle said...

Your ATC's are really lovely! dani 105

18. Eliza said...

I so love your atc's they are amazing, and your journals just divine. There is no way you could cut up that tin I am with you on that one.

Thanks for sharing.

Eliza #22

19. Redanne said...

Love the picture in your journal and your altered book, they are all lovely. Nice ATCs again too. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #49

20. Stephie Boots said...

wow both journals are fab and that tin is super cute!!

have a great day

Stephanie-Emma #108 xxx

21. Laura said...

Beautiful prayer journal.
Have a good week,

22. Amanda said...

Fabulous artwork, love the atcs and that journal is stunning. Hugs, amanda #56

23. froebelsternchen said...

what fabulous artwork here on your blog Peggy!
great inspiration!
You are invited to our

xxx Susi

24. Angie said...

Love those pages ...exciting colours on the Hong Kong pages.

25. Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love your HongKong page - that's so full of pattern and colour!!
Hugs, LLJ #60 xx

26. lisa said...

Altered Books were everywhere in WOYWW a few months ago but they have gone very quiet recently. I'm glad you are still making yours.
The Hong Kong page is amazing, so full of colour and life, you are so talented and I'm really glad you didn't cut up that tin, it's gorgeous.
Hugs Lisax #91

27. Shoshi said...

Peggy, your recent art is nothing short of stunning... I really love your style, and your subject matter too! I really, really hope I qualify to receive an ATC from you as I would really love to own a piece of your original art, which I would treasure always! I do hope you have enough ATCs to go around!!

Your German tin is perfect - some things just don't need altering, do they. As for your altered book, well, it's incredible.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #25

28. nerllybird said...

Wow, what beautiful work on your desk this week, thanks for sharing :D
helen S #79

29. Peggy Cain said...

beautiful work I love your journals thanks for sharing

30. scrappymo! said...

Gorgeous work! You are a very talented artist. Your journal pages and ATC's are stunning.

31. Angenita said...

Thank you for your motivation and tips for drawing faces.
I was blogging about it last week as well and your sister told me about you and your method :)

A big thank you for letting me know about the word verification. I tought I already turned it of and I don't like it either.

Your work is beautifull as always. I admire your drawings and think you are an inspiration.

32. Princess Judy Palmer said...

I'm with you, definitely don't cut up that tin. It is far too pretty. Great journal page, and your altered book is very outstanding as well. You had some nice pieces to work with to add into it.

33. Twiglet said...

What a stunning blog post Peggy! Those ATCs are beautiful but your Hong Kong page is amazing. What an artist. x Jo

34. mamapez5 said...

Hi Peggy.
i am still trying to visit some workdesks, but I have done a bit better this week. Your Hong Kong page is amazing. Once again I reminded of a three month trip to S.E.Asia that is still waiting for me to scrapbook after three years. But it will get done.
I have just sent you another e-mail about your offer of an ATC swap, as I haven't heard back from the first one. i hope I've sent it to the right address.
Kate x

35. Elizabeth said...

Hi Peggy, love the illustration in your art page - beautiful colours. I have to agree with you, that tin is just too nice to cut up :) Hope you have a lovely weekend. Elizabeth x #85

36. Whimcees said...


Beautiful journaling and ACTs! Love your artwork! Wishing you a happy Sunday!


Barbara Diane #120

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