Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: Paint Party Friday

Friday, July 20, 2012

Paint Party Friday

Happy Friday, dearest blog friends!  Here is an ATC from my Filipina in Terno series...

and an illustration from my prayer journal...

This verse from Psalm 139 is one of my favorites!  Everyone of us is fearfully, wonderfully made!  We don't have to look like the models in magazines.  We don't have to be as smart as the summa cum laudes.  We don't have to be perfect parents.  We don't have to be rich and famous.  We don't have to be the most talented artists.  We don't have to have high paying jobs.  God says we are wonderful, and so we are!  

43 blog hugs:

1. LiliansArt said...

Very beautiful Filipina atc. And very inspiring quote

2. Catherine Denton said...

Both are gorgeous!
Catherine Denton

3. bellefrogworks said...

Psalm 139 is one of my favs - love your art work!

4. enthusiastically, dawn said...

Your drawings/paintings inspire me. This one is especially lovely. Actually the picture above the 139 as well. My heart just expands when I look at this creativity combined with scripture!

5. Robin Panzer Art said...

Your pieces are always so beautiful and serene. Happy PPF #3 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

6. Kat Sloma said...

I especially love that journal page! The swirl with the text is really creative. Happy PPF!

7. Gloria j Zucaro said...

What beautiful paintings and sayings. you are so good at portraying the human face.

8. Tracey FK said...

wonderful work as always, but your words today were just what I needed to hear...xx

9. Shoshi said...

Oh Peggy, I just love your Biblical piece for today! How very, very true! How this message needs to get out to the poor people of this world who are so hung up on outward appearance, and spend all their time and money on the elusive search for "beauty" when if you have Jesus in your heart, His beauty is there and shines out from within!

Beautiful ATC too! Your work is just awesome.

Thanks for visiting me. Glad you like my new inks! Such fun!

Shoshi #3

10. Natasha said...

Love this ATC, and what a perfectly uplifting quote. A very good reminder. :)

11. Netty said...

Beautiful artwork, x

12. wednesday said...

The beautiful women you paint are so inspiring.

13. The Weekend Artist said...

I love the verse and very timely too as I am feeling a bit gloomy on this rainy day! I love the background you used for your ATC.

14. carol l mckenna said...

Both girls are lovely and so well done ~~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

15. carol l mckenna said...

Both girls are lovely and so well done ~~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

16. Marji said...

Beautiful artwork and your words were just what the Dr. ordered for me today :) Happy PPF

17. Kristina said...

Love the one from your prayer journal! Very nicely done.

18. Debbie said...

The colors are so rich in your ATC. It's gorgeous! I really like how you do your lettering in your journal pages.

19. Candace Jedrowicz said...

How very lovely!

20. Shashi Nayagam said...

Beautiful and one of the most beautiful verses from the pslams

21. JoZart Designs said...

Lovely post, and such a confidence boost in those special words. I am so lucky in my life and appreciate it all. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog too. Your art work is inspiring,
joZarty x

22. Mary C. Nasser said...

Wonderful ATC and illustration!
I always love your rich colors!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

23. deeplyrootedinbeing said...

I adore the Filipina portrait!! Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!!

24. Theresa Plas said...

Wonderfully Made Indeed! Thank you for sharing Peggy! I needed that!

25. Anne Manda said...

Beautiful, inspirational and inspiring pieces! Love the quote!

26. Lisa Lewis Koster said...

I love the illustration from your prayer journal!

27. Sabina said...

What a great point--love the psalm quote. And I also love that the girl hear has on such a fab dress. The poofy shoulders were a great touch.

28. Anna said...

I love your work. Your color combinations are always so pleasing to the eye. Nice choices. This verse is a favorite! Have a blessed and creative weekend!

29. Linda Kunsman said...

Beautiful art-your ATC is especially gorgeous-wow!

30. JKW said...

I am anxious to see more of the Filipina series. . . the verse is beautiful as well as the page. Very uplifting. Blessings, Janet PPF

31. Charlotte said...

Thank you for sharing on Spiritual Sundays.

32. Nikki (Sarah) said...


33. Dandelion and Daisy said...

Beautifully done, both pieces, thank you for sharing.

34. Debbie said...

beautiful paintings this week peggy. I love the quote too, ironically, we had that verse in church today!

35. Janine said...

Beautiful message and beautiful made

36. Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

I also love this reminder that we are wonderfully made. Each one of us. Beautiful pieces!! :)

37. Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

I also love this reminder that we are wonderfully made. Each one of us. Beautiful pieces!! :)

38. Karen Smithey said...

Both are beautiful, but I especially love the journal page with the quote...

39. Anonymous said...

Your art always makes me feel happy. :)

40. Pamela said...

I love the work on the dress. There's something about the swirl of them that makes me think she's made full of creativity! So thankful God made me just like He desires me to be. I want to take care of His works.

41. Anonymous said...

Lovely illustration.

42. Giggles said...

Very nice work!! We are all wonderfully made!!

Hugs Giggles

43. Princess Judy Palmer said...

I like that I'm wonderfully made (but suspect a spring or bolt may be missing) but fearfully made? Gosh, I hope not. Wonderful journal page page, so lively and welcoming. Love the ATC as always. You have such great talent.

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