Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Plans

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Plans

Happy Wednesday, dear blog friends (or whatever day you happen to drop by)!  I have been busy with making the floor plans for my friend's house renovation and hardly have had any time to go blog visiting.  I hope to find time to go visiting this week.  On my desk today is the prayer journal illustration I am working on, envelopes filled with the ATCs I'm sending off to those who asked to trade (still waiting for addresses from some others)...

and the latest scheme of my house planning (this time I have used the program 3d Home Architect to make the plan)...

I think planning a house is like planning how we want to live life.  There's just a limited amount of space to plan in and there's a limited amount of time that we have.  We have to know our priorities and give space/time for them.  We have to know our budget and live within our means, we have to balance all the different areas/responsibilities and find the best arrangement so that all the areas will relate well with each other.  Making a floor plan is like completing a puzzle.  Sometimes life's like that, don't you think?

Go check out the list of desks joining WOYWW!

33 blog hugs:

1. Judys Lace Creations said...

What a big task- planning a house. I want a house with sliding walls, so you can have lots of small rooms in older age.great big Family rooms are no longer needed when you're older.You want Craft areas, loads of different ones!!haha..
judy #27

2. Shoshi said...

Wonderful work, planning the house. Also, I think it's great that you can always find a spiritual message in your day to day activities to share with us all! So uplifting. As usual your desk is interesting and full of beautiful art work!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #3

3. LiliansArt said...

Very inspiring and the floor plan looks nice

4. enthusiastically, dawn said...

I love the little line drawing with neat to see without color and in a different stage of creation! Interesting that you are doing a floor plan as well- you are so gifted!

5. SandeeNC said...

Well that was a first, architectual analogies! But you're right, we do live in our own house on so many different levels! waving hi from hills of North Carolina :) ( not yet numbered )

6. Eliza said...

Home is where we spend most of our time apart from work so it must be important to make it right, such a huge responsibility for you, but I am sure you will get it right. She is lucky she has you...

I like Sandee from NC saying Architectual analogies being a first. LOL

TTYS Eliza #11 again

7. Sunshine Girl said...

How exciting to plan a house - something we never do here in England! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 58

8. fairy thoughts said...

exciting task you have there, hope it goes well. To me life is a complete puzzel anyway, but I dont think I would want it any other way LOL
janet #68

9. okienurse said...

Awesome task before you...building a house. I get overwhelmed with the little bit of fixing up I have to organize. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #67

10. Annie said...

So exciting to do the planning like that. Wonder what we would all plan into our homes if only we could.
A x #76

11. Peggy said...

wow planning a house I have trouble planning my menu LOL enjoyed my visit have a great week

12. BJ said...

Hi Peggy, hope you got my address. I posted your ATC today on my way back from badminton so it definitely IS winging its way to the Philippines now. BJ#79 (don't look at my blog if you want the ATC to be a surprise - LOL)

13. Twiglet said...

I am sure planning a house is much easier. If only we could plan our lives and everything would work to plan! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. x Jo #73

14. Inkypinkycraft said...

Gosh planning a house , now that is some adventure! Trace x. 56

15. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

And sometimes it is learning to adapt to a new environment, which may or may not be a new house. I know I've had to "own" my home after I moved into a much smaller house than I had before. I like your analogies though. They make sense. Happy WOYWW from #6.

16. Lunch Lady Jan said...

It's a good philosophy to live your life by, I think - I like your explanation!
Hugs, LLJ ~70 xx

17. mamapez5 said...

Hi Peggy. I love the look of your painty art palette. It looks well loved and used. your prayer journal interests me. I often wonder how or why you chose each verse you use.
The plans look amazing. As a mathematician, the plans themselves fascinate me, but I haven't got the vision to know what they will make up like. Kate #131

18. Kate said...

How exciting planning a whole house! I like the idea of mixing an art journal with a prayer journal.

** Kate **

19. The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

amazing plans! jenx 149

20. Elizabeth said...

Planning a house from scratch like that is my idea of heaven ... I'd just love to do that for myself but I imagine there are many pitfalls and it is not as straighforward as it seems. Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #75

21. Princess Judy Palmer said...

Pretend I said something brilliant here. I lost my train of thought about an hour ago when all sorts of weirdness ensued. I love your analogy of house plans and life. Indeed, you want to plan them both to be interesting, functional, and to make you happy. Also, am I one of the people who need to give you my address? I might be. I might be making that up. What a weird last hour.

22. 505whimsygirl said...

I really like that girl drawing by your house plans. And how exciting to design your own home! Make sure you have a big craft room!

Hugs, Kay #36

23. Bernice said...

How excitig to get to plan a house - we added an extension a few years ago and I got to plan a kitchen, sunroom and most importantly a craft room!
Bernice #25

24. Kemma said...

I just love looking at everyone's space!
My plan is to try to visit the people that end in the same number as me

Thanks for the peek!
#161 on this week's WOYWW

25. Redanne said...

How wonderful to be able to plan your house, from what I can see it is going to be very nice indeed! I wish you success with your plans and much happiness in the new house. Thank you for your visit and your lovely birthday wishes - 64 today!! Crafty hugs, Anne x #9

26. sandra de said...

I really like your life and house planning analogy. A friend once said that the trick to life was just being happy with what you have been given both good.
Sandra @31

27. Bridget Larsen said...

I like your house plans, can't wait to see the real one being built
Bridget #5

28. Lindsay Weirich said...

where does your talent end? Painting, crafting, designing a house LOL! I love the wonderfully cluttreed workspace and you lovely illustrations!
Lindsay #33

29. Di said...

House plans, such fun. I planned our extension here and then project managed the whole construction process and loved every minute of it. Sigh, I still think I was too generous in giving my beloved a couple of foot from my craft room to his study though :(

Belated Happy WOYWW! Di xx #10

30. donnalouiserodgers said...

loved looking at your work today Peggy,

it is very revealing what people draw if given free reign to design their home space, and couple often draw very different pictures!

dx ( return visit)

31. Anonymous said...

Those plans look really interesting Peggy.... what's a Ligaya Room? I can just make it out and it looks like it has a large table in it! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for your best wishes!

Brenda 8

32. Samantha said...

this has to be one of the most exciting woyww posts planning a whole house!!


33. Neet said...

Planning takes time so i hope you get it right. If I had lots of money and was able to plan my stamp room it would have to have elastic walls because I am sure it would never be the right size for such an ever growing hobby.
Hope you get things done as you want.
Hugs, Neet #71 xx

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