Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: Don't Worry!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Don't Worry!

17 blog hugs:

1. betty-NZ said...

If we really believed that, how much easier life would be!! Great reminder.

2. Netty said...

Beautiful page, Annette x

3. Beth Morey said...

absolutely beautiful

4. enthusiastically, dawn said...

I needed this this early morning! The scripture with picture minister to me perfectly for the moment!

5. Unknown said...

Love this.

6. Heather said...

what a lovely piece! Thanks for sharing it with us!

7. Carolyn Dube said...

What fantastic work!! I love your colors, your words, the gentle face, all of it!!

8. Unknown said...

I am bummed! I can't see the image!

Thanks for linking up at The Weekend Blog Hop! Hope you will join us every Friday! (:

9. Tracey FK said...

your tonal work and sense of colour are just perfect everytime you post... such a joy to visit... so sorry for being so late getting here...xx

10. Karen Smithey said...

That is one of my favorite quotes... It really hit me just right--perfect for today...

11. Jenny Petricek said...

Peggy, this proverb is so true! Sometimes in a world full of worry (especially now, during this economic recession) it's easy to forget that God always provides no matter what's thrown in your path! Thanks for the wonderful reminder!

12. Sabina said...

I really like you incorporate those inspirational quotes as part of your artwork. Especially with the way the lettering is placed.

13. Kristin Aquariann said...

Beautiful way to illustrate such an inspirational verse!

♥ aquariann
Art Update: Daffodil Drawing

14. Charlotte said...

Beautiful reminder of this important scripture. Thank you for sharing.

15. Marlena M. said...

Peggy, this is amazing! I love it. I love the movement in the words and the gorgeous flowers and bird. The woman's profile is flawless! Thank you for sharing it at Word Art Wednesday.

16. Karen Letchworth said...

Peggy: Both of your entries this week at Word Art Wednesday are just FABULOUS! Thanks SO MUCH for sharing them with us and blessing us with your beautiful art. We are so grateful for you, and for your participation in the challenges. May God give you BIG hugs and blessings this week.
Karen L
Word Art Wednesday

17. Shashi Nayagam said...

This is so beautiful.

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