Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: You will Show Me the Path to Life!

Monday, July 9, 2012

You will Show Me the Path to Life!

A journal page illustration,  and an artist trading card...

to share with you today, on Sunday SketchesSpiritual SundaysInspire Me Monday, Word Art Wednesday and Blessed Beyond A Doubt.  Have a lovely week ahead, dear blog friends!

15 blog hugs:

1. Alicia C said...

I love your beautiful inspired portraits!

2. dawn said...

I love these, they are both so pretty and inspiring.

3. Tammie Lee said...

so lovely~

4. Natasha said...

Beautiful joy-filled faces. :)

5. Lisa Graham said...

Lots of joy here! :)

6. Tracey FK said...

the top one is especially lovely, but maybe that is because it shows off your beautiful tonal work to its best...xx

7. Lynn Holland said...

What beautiful work you produce

8. Annie said...

Simply beautiful.
A x

9. Wendy @ E-1-A said...

Beautiful artwork.

10. Anonymous said...

Wonderful work! I especially love the ATC! The art is lovely and the verse is so uplifting.

11. MS Raghav said...

beautiful! :)

12. mamapez5 said...

Beautiful artwork again, and inspirational words.
I have just posted your ATC. Hope it doesn't take too long to arrive.
Kate x

13. Charlotte said...

Beautiful. I'm glad you shared.

14. Gotham Chick said...

Wow... I am always delighted when I bump into a blog that stirs up so much inspiration --- talk about a message from above or from the universe, I am so glad I stopped by here. Thank you for the smile in my heart...

15. Angie said...

Hi, I love your artwork! Is it printable? If so, how? Is there a fee?

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