Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: A Jumble of Projects

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: A Jumble of Projects

If ever there was a time when I was tempted to do a bit of tidying up before I took my weekly WOYWW picture, it was this week!  There's been very little progress on my Giveaway girls (I will have a giveaway soon and will let the winner pick one!)  because I have been busy learning Adobe Photoshop and making a poster for a prayer rally in November.

For those of you who enjoy a peek into my prayer journal, here is a page illustrating Psalm 147...

And beside it I copied out a quotation about prayer from John Tauler, a German preacher from the Middle Ages, "For my part, I tell you only this: truly detach yourself from yourself and from all created things and raise your soul wholly to God above all creatures, into the deep abyss. There, immerse your spirit in God’s spirit in true abandonment…, in a real union with God…, Ask God there for everything he wants us to ask him, what you desire and what other people desire from you. And hold this as certain: what a tiny, little coin is with regard to a hundred thousand gold pieces, that is what all external prayer is with regard to this prayer, which is a real union with God, and with regard to this inflowing and fusion of the created spirit in the uncreated spirit of God…"

Check out other desks and join in the fun of WOYWW! And I'm also planning to link up to Word Art Wednesday Random Journal DayHeartprint Hallelujahs,  Faith-filled Friday, Paint Party FridayArt Journal Every Day and Spiritual Sundays.

Ingvild Bolme is having an amazing giveaway to celebrate her new blog design.  I'm crossing my fingers!

49 blog hugs:

1. Liz @ Quirky Vistas said...

So beautiful...the verse, the prayer and the image! Thanks for coming by to comment and for following. I'm following you now too!

2. Spyder said...

Beautiful artwork, as always, lovely colours. Have a great week! Happy WOYWW!?
((Lyn)) #18

3. noreen said...

Love the artwork. You are a gifted artist using it for God's glory! What could be better than that! Blessings to you!

4. Shoshi said...

Your artwork is beautiful as usual, Peggy - lovely take on the Psalm.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #7

5. Judys Lace Creations said...

Love your art work.
judy #20

6. May said...

Stunning artwork as always Peggy.. beautiful colours... Have a blessed week, Hugs May x x x#12

7. Danielle said...

Oh Peggy, another round of beautiful works of he"art". I so love seeing your pieces each week. They are always so inspiring. dani #26

8. LiliansArt said...

Happy woyww I bet it ll turn out nice. As alwas very inspiring and beautiful

9. famfa said...

Gorgeous painting
Famfa 33

10. Lindsay Weirich said...

well done! great desk too!

11. 505whimsygirl said...

Hi Peggy,

I always enjoy my visit. You may think your desk a mess but I think it's perfect! I love seeing your works in progress (and your journal pages).

Hugs, Kay #31

12. sandra de said...

The verse and prayer are just perfect.
Sandra @36

13. Maria Ontiveros said...

What a nice verse - I like its star reference.

14. Neet said...

Thank you for sharing your prayer journal page with us, a truly moving quotation and a beautiful thought provoking picture to go with it.
Your Giveaway girls are beautiful, are you sure they are not finished? They loo so good to me.
Thanks for sharing - Hugs, neet xx #27

15. Sandy said...

Thas a lovely verse , love all the purple. Sandy :) #43

16. The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

Beautiful work. great combination of images and vers. jenx 71

17. scrappymo! said...

I think your desk looks great. Lovely verse and art.

18. BJ said...

I adore you artwork and am looking forward to seeing it in the "flesh". Did my ATC arrive yet? Posted it ages ago, let me see - yep - I posted it on 18th July 2012 two weeks ago now. Hope it hasn't got lost. BJ

19. mamapez5 said...

Hi. I am trying once again to thank you for the beautiful ATC which I received about a week ago. I have sent several comments this week, but when I go to publish them, they just disappear. Maybe it will work today.
I loved your Psalm 18 post last Monday, and todays journal as well, and your ladies are fabulous. Kate x

20. Annie said...

What a beautiful post today.
Thank you.
A x #64

21. Unknown said...

Your artwork is beautiful and I love the prayer journal page.

22. donnalouiserodgers said...

I love the encouragement to be considerate of each individual person, unique and valued and Known, despite the reality of it being impossible to know everyone.

we can shown this concern for the people we do meet.

in our culture we have a horrible pride in being able to state 'I don't do the detail' as if it is a good thing.

It is in the details that we find 'God'

lovely post Peggy,

Dx 72(?)

23. Twiglet said...

Beautiful faces on your desk today. Happy Yorkshire Day! x Jo

24. Trish Latimer said...

BEAUTIFUL page Peggy,that girl looking up at the stars is stunning!! Trish #10

25. Lunch Lady Jan said...

What a beautiful post, Peggy. The words on the starry sky are simply beautiful...I do love your handwriting, it fits on the page so well. And you're right, beauty is in the detail of the smallest thing.
Hugs, LLJ #1 xx

26. Gabrielle said...

Your art is beautiful as always - and this is no exception! Happy Wednesday!

27. Karen Letchworth said...

This is just as lovely as ever, Peggy. You always seem to share somethings that lifts my heart to the Lord. Thanks for sharing this with us at Word Art Wednesday. It's a big blessing!
Karen L

28. kay said...

fab journal page
have a super woyww
kay #82

29. SandeeNC said...

As always your prayer journal is inspirational, loved the artwork on your desk too! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

30. Carol said...

This is a beautiful page. Thanks for sharing it at WAW.

31. Claire said...

beautiful work!!
thank you for sharing!
happy WOYWW :)
no. 67

32. Esther Asbury said...

I love those verse from Psalms -- and love your illustration of them too! (Shoregirl - Guest Designer for Word Art Wednesday this month.)

33. Princess Judy Palmer said...

It is looking a little cluttered on your desk. You're running out of space! Welcome to the club. We have a not very exclusive membership. We also partner with FSA-flat spaces anonymous for those who have no flat space anywhere to play.

Beautiful journal page and love quote.

34. Lindsay Weirich said...

beautiful journal page!

35. Craftychris said...

Your journal page is beautiful as are the other paintings on your desk. Have a fabulous week. xx

36. Amy E said...

Haha! I know the feeling of wanting to clean my desk up before taking my WOYWW pic...I've even done it before!!

Your work is beautiful!!

I'm having a giveaway, open worldwide this week. Come check it out if you get the chance!

Amy E. #30

37. Alicia C said...

beautiful painting as usual. happy PPF!

38. Unknown said...

I love how you have done her hair. Very nice. Happy Weekend, Ev

39. Natasha said...

Beautiful art works, with beautiful messages. :) Love the hair.

40. Netty said...

Beautiful prayer page with smashing words. Happy PPF, Annette x

41. Giggles said...

Beautiful artwork and verse!! Powerful combination!

Hugs Giggles

42. Unknown said...

Busy desk and it looks like you have mastered photoshop.
Interesting journal page too.

43. Marji said...

Beautiful work. I love seeing your art table with all of its rich goodness. Happy PPF

44. Shoshi said...

Thanks for your comment, Peggy - like you, most of the time I'm just trying to get my post up in time to mess about with things like annotating but I suddenly got the urge and had the time, so I went for it! (Just hope people aren't expecting it every week lol!!)

I'm excited about using the recycled stuff and want to do some blog posts about it soon.

Your wonderful ATC has arrived - thank you sooo much for such a little treasure - I have emailed you.

Shoshi #7

45. Mary C. Nasser said...

Gorgeous prayer journal page!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

46. voodoo vixen said...

Lovely post Peggy, and your journal page is beautiful as always!!

47. Karen Smithey said...

Okay, I have to say it: your desk looks waaaay too neat and organized! It's what I aspire to, but never seems to manage!

48. Anonymous said...

Beautiful journal, Peggy. I love the way you have done the writing of the scripture.

49. LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

Love this and your prayer journal idea! Beautiful!

Lee Ann

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