Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: WOYWW: Step by Step

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

WOYWW: Step by Step

After last week's "typhoon"desk, I hoped that I would be able to show you a tidy desk today for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday (usually hosted by Julia, but for now Lunch Lady Jan is subbing for her).

But instead of the calm after the storm, it's more like ongoing rehabilitation efforts. This is a classic case of the push back method!  

But then, in tidying up, just like life, we don't have to accomplish everything all at once.  We can always just take it step by step!

So sorry for the lack of creativity!  Here are some pictures from my recent trip... San Francisco, where my son lives,

 and Yosemite where God's creation is awesome!...

Happy WOYWW!

19 blog hugs:

1. Unknown said...

Hello Peggy. Well that is a tidy little space you had made yourself , I don't have the push to the side I have the pile it up on my darling husbands Still looks to me like a fabulous space full of goodness waiting to get played with. Have a wonderful day Hugs ~Anne L#3

2. Sharon Madson said...

We want to go to San Francisco. We are talking now, but want to go in the Spring. We heard that is good time to go see Yosemite, and we missed that window! Thanks for sharing your photos. And don't worry about no creativity. I am going through that right now, so have been cleaning and moving things around! LOL #6

3. Helen said...

oh I love your desk, it makes me feel at home! Love the pictures of San Francisco and Yosemite - very beautiful.. Helen; no number, linky won't work for me.

4. dmgarafalo said...

I think your photos are quite inspiring! blessings Donna #11

5. Chidkid said...

Awesome photos of the places you've visited. Your desk looks a haven for creativity! Elaine #15

6. Lunch Lady Jan said...

I was impressed by your first desk picture then WOAH, you showed us the real one, lol!! That's impressive, you're competing with your sister for the messiest desk today. Love it!!
And I'm so jealous you've been to Yosemite, that's on my bucket list for sure....
Hugs, LLJ xxxx

7. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Love the photos. You can't get creative without making a mess sometimes, that the law Lol! Have a happy and crafty woyww,
Angela x 26

8. Sharon said...

We all have such good intentions cleaning up our desks, don't we? I keep meaning to lol. Wonderful pictures! That is a place I'd love to visit.

Have a great week
Sharon K #4

9. LisaDV said...

Lol. I'm a member of the push back or work on top of methods myself. Your photos are beautiful. Have fun creating! Happy Wednesday! LisaDV #35

10. Neet said...

Full of envy - been to San Fran but Yosemite is somewhere I want to go so much. Planned on it this year but then my friend had an accident so plans got stopped.
Not full of envy for your push back desk though, although probably for the beautiful work you have no doubt got stashed away somewhere. Your artwork is something else! Love it.
Hugs, Neet 7 xx

11. ToadilyDiane said...

If you have room to push back then you are good!!
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #2

12. Tertia said...

That push back method of clearing the desk is my absolute favourite! LOL Usually it eventually leads to some sort of disaster before I actually clean.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #46

13. Tertia said...

That push back method of clearing the desk is my absolute favourite! LOL Usually it eventually leads to some sort of disaster before I actually clean.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #46

14. Felicia said...

I know ALL ABOUT the typhoon desk syndrome! LOLOL You are getting there though, it looked good! Those pictures are just beautiful! Im sure it was breathtaking in real life! Blessings, Felicia #50

15. Sarah said...

I was wondering if there is any place to purchase any of your art work? I LOVE it and am so encouraged by it! Thanks!

16. Sue said...

Hi Peggy, I did laugh at your tidy desk, until you showed us how everything had been pushed to one side:)

Fab photo of the golden Gate Bridge and the one from Yoesemite. My dad got to visit Yosemite many many years ago and said it was breathtaking.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #15

17. kiwimeskreations said...

Love your desk Peggy - and your push back technique... I use that too.

18. Shoshi said...

I'm a great advocate of the push back method, too, Peggy! Nice desk. Thank you for your lovely comment and I'm glad you enjoyed seeing all my new stash. I had another trip on the bus yesterday, this time on my own and with the wheelchair instead of the buggy, and it worked much better - no problem at all. My hubby as very proud of me, managing it all by myself! I had a lovely shopping trip and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #52

19. Unknown said...

Judi Togel
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