Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: WOYWW: Post Travel Typhoon

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

WOYWW: Post Travel Typhoon

I missed What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday's 7th anniversary last week!  Belated Happy Anniversary to Julia and the rest of the WOYWWers!  Isn't it amazing how time flies?!

My desk today looks like a typhoon passed through since I dumped all sorts on it after my trip to California. I haven't downloaded my travel pictures yet so none to post today.  Actually, it isn't just my desk that looks like a typhoon passed through so I still have a lot of tidying up to do!  Perhaps next week I will have a better post for you!  Happy WOYWW, everyone!

8 blog hugs:

1. Lunch Lady Jan said...

Your desk does look very full! But since you've only just come back from holiday, it's understandable. You might find all sorts of hidden gems under that pile!!
Hugs, LLJ xxx

2. glitterandglue said...

Snap, Peggy. Time away last week means all I have done this week is dump stuff then begin to catch up!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #15

3. martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,

Toutes mes sincères félicitations pour la longévité de votre univers...
Votre bureau reflète votre activité toujours très dévorante... Bravo !

Gros bisous ♡

4. LisaDV said...

Looks just like my life on a daily basis. My family thinks my desk is the catch all for things they don't know what to do with and then I go and do the same thing. Hope the cleaning up goes quickly for you. Happy Wednesday! LisaDV #38

5. Sharon said...

Hope you had a fun trip. Can't wait to see pictures.

Sharon K #5

6. kiwimeskreations said...

Oh Peggy I love your typhoon desk :-) - thank you for being so honest and sharing the mess - mine sort of looks like that permanently. I trust you enjoyed your trip to California

7. Carmen said...

It may look like a typhoon went through there but I'd love to have a rummage! :D Bet there are some interesting goodies on there!

Carmen x #47

8. Chidkid said...

Fabulous Elaine No. 20

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