Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: WOYWW: Sew Busy

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

WOYWW: Sew Busy

There's something new going on in my desk for What's on your Workdesk Wednesday

I'm doing some sewing. Nothing exciting, I just finished the seams in one of the blouses I bought in India.  I plan to wear it during the Easter Vigil Mass. Now that the sewing machine is out, I may decide to do the rest of the blouses as well.  I wish I had a serger or lived near Annie who offered to lend me hers!

By next Wednesday, we would have celebrated Easter, so I wish for you a meaningful and joyful Easter.  It is a such a special day for us, celebrating Jesus rising from the dead.  And that's why I just had to unearth my sewing machine and get my special outfit ready for Easter ;-)

16 blog hugs:

1. kiwimeskreations said...

Long time no sew - I really must do better!
Easter is so special - I agree, and I love the Easter morning greeting of
"Hallelujah, He is risen", with the response, "He is risen indeed"!

2. Nikki said...

Have a happy Easter and enjoy the weekend
Hugs Nikki 6

3. Helen said...

I don't know how to use a sewing machine, I wish I did! Happy Easter. Helen #2

4. Virginia said...

Ah a full desk, I too had my machine out yesterday - but I was technically sewing paper so I don't think that counts!

Hope you have a great Wednesday

5. Anne said...

Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful Easter. Anne x #24

6. Lynsey said...

Happy Easter! I'm so impressed by your sewing skills, I can barely darn a sock! Thanks for sharing, happy WOYWW, Lyns #21

7. ToadilyDiane said...

Happy Easter to you too.
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #32

8. Sharon said...

I hope you let us see the finished project!

Hope you have a nice Easter

Sharon K #51

9. Annie said...

I am doing a very quick whistle stop tour of my fav blogs in my lunch break today. It's pretty manic returning the bungalow to a little nearer normality for when our Dutch friends arrive tomorrow so please forgive me that it is such a quick visit.
How lovely to see you using your machine.....have fun.
Annie x # 11

10. Unknown said...

Good morning have a great Easter weekend.Hugs~Anne L#7

11. Kim Collister Studio said...

I sew envy people who can sew and actually wear what they sew. I only sew on paper and a few creative lines when making something mixed media, but nothing to wear.. that is far from my sewing skills. Enjoy your company and Happy Easter to you!
Kim #64

12. Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Happy Easter to you, as well as a Happy WOYWW!

13. Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Happy Easter. He has risen! Glory to God. Peg 70

14. Kelly said...

WTG on getting the blouse sized. The others will go quickly. Have a great weekend! Creative Blessings! Kelly #49

15. Tertia said...

I hope you had a lovely Good Friday. We used to get new special outfits for the Easter service when I was a kid.
My son just spent a few days in Manilla for work and claims it is beautiful and he would love to go back and explore more of the country.
Happy very belated WOYWW!
Tertia #62

16. CraftygasheadZo said...

Well I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend. Take care Zo xx 43

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