Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: You are the Light of the World!

Friday, June 15, 2012

You are the Light of the World!

We celebrated Philippine Independence day last June 12 and this is what I drew in my journal.  Even as I thanked the Lord for our nation, I prayed that He would transform us, renew us, and heal us that we may become the people that He wants us to be.

42 blog hugs:

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

It's beautiful, I really like the vibrant colors you used. Thank you so much for sharing:-)

enthusiastically, dawn said...

I love the way you pray creatively through your artwork. I so relate to that. Now, I wonder about how long did it take you to draw that? Thanks, Peggy!

Sharon said...

This is just beautiful! Love your art.
God Bless!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Oh my Peggy, what a talented artist you are. Love, love the words for thought.
p.s. Now a new follower

Anonymous said...

Your art is so beautiful and inspirational! Happy Independence Day!

Lynn Cohen said...

I really like that traditional dress she is wearing and the flag.
Beautifully done. Lovely journal page.
Happy holiday and Happy PPF too!

Susie - Walking Butterfly said...

Hi Peggy, thanks so much for coming by my blog! I really love your art, it's amazing and so inspiring. I also love the Philippines, been in Bacolod 3 times! Gorgeous country that grabbed my heart.

Tracey FK said...

What a lovely celebration of your nation day... the fine pen work on her sleeve is especially beautiful...xx

joy said...

That is beatiiful Peggy. Mag celebrate kami ng independence day tomorrow. Late nga lang, pero better late Thanks never.

Netty said...

wonderful page Peggy, so full of joy. Happy PPF, Annette x

Maria Ontiveros said...

Beautiful rendition of the flag, and the yellow in the dress is so pretty.

dawn said...

Hello, first time here to visit thru Julie's blog. How sweet your pages are, love the idea of writing your faith thru them. The drawings of your girls are lovely in each of your pages ( I read thru past posts and love them). The flag came out wonderful, love the colors on the page also.
Signed up to follow your blog.
Happy Friday!

Susan said...

This is so lovely. Your talent and spirit sing in this painting.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Wonderful! I love journal entries like that. :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful painting- almost too good to just be a journal entry. I could easily see your work published in a day book or gratitude book. Beautiful!
Happy PPF,

Esther Joy said...

I loved the artwork you shared from your journal with the verse you put with it. ...And thank you for your encouraging words on Rock4Today!

Kim Rae Nugent said...

What a lovely blog! Your journal page is beautiful!

Unknown said...

very nice and so inspiring . God Bless you

Alecia Simersky said...

Really beautiful! The colors are wonderful.

MarveLes Art Studios said...

This is a sweet drawing, and I love it! And a GREAT message, too!!!

kristin maynes said...

She's wonderful! Very sweet and pretty. Such sweet words about your it!

EVA said...

Beautiful! Hope you had a great Independence day!

Dandelion and Daisy said...

Beautifully drawn are very talented.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderfully illustrated ~ she is delightful and love your quote ~thanks, enjoy the weekend ^_^ ~ A Creative Harbor

Anne Manda said...

Pretty and delicate, really lovely!

Katt aka LaLa said...

Such a beautiful page and sentiment!! When I saw the link on Julie's blog and saw the flag I was super happy to find a fellow filipina art journaler and definately had to hop on over :) Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, peaceful!! The colors are so beautiful and all in it is amazing! Have an extraordinary day!

deeplyrootedinbeing said...

She has such a sweet, sweet face. Thank you for sharing a little about your country's history!! It's a beautiful and meaningful journal entry!!

Ricki Treleaven said...

What a sweet post! I would love a closer look at your journal. You are talented!

Unknown said...

you know God smiles when he sees your work!!! love this new painting Peggy!!!

Giggles said...

Pretty painting!! Full of love!!

Hugs Giggles

Mary C. Nasser said...

Beautiful Independence Day art with so much meaning and hope.
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Linda Kunsman said...

here from AJEveryday.Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and spiritually inspired spread.

Stacy @ Heartprints of God said...

What beautiful artwork....and what a beautiful heartfelt prayer to go with it. May we become the people He wants us to be. Amen~

Thanks for linking up at "Heartprint Hallelujahs"!

Blessings on your new week-

Anonymous said...

A good prayer for any nation! I love your girls pretty yellow embroidered dress.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Peggy... this is such a beautiful tribute to your Independence day! Beautiful prayer!

SandeeNC said...

Beautiful thoughts to go along with a beautiful drawing! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Elisa said...

Very very beautiful and inspiring post!

Ritu Dua said...

Your speaks volume of the emotions attached...beautiful!

JKW said...

This is a beautiful and uplifting work. Blessings, Janet PPF

Linda said...

Wow the detail in the dress is incredible. Beautiful piece.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful page! I found you through Julie's blog and saw the filipina holding the Philippines flag and immediately clicked on through. Thanks for sharing!

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