Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: All Scripture is Inspired by God

Monday, June 18, 2012

All Scripture is Inspired by God

Hello, my dear blog friends, here's a little sketch from my prayer journal, illustrating 2 Timothy 3:16.   I read and meditate on scripture every day because I do believe this verse!  I would like to be equipped for every good work!  

May you have a lovely week ahead!  I'm linking up with Sunday Sketches and Inspire Me Monday.

13 blog hugs:

Steve Finnell said...

you are invited to follow my blog

martinealison said...

Un merveilleux dessin que celui-ci... Deux en un...
Je vous embrasse très fort.
Gros bisous à vous.

enthusiastically, dawn said...

I love this... you are welcome to link to Random Journal Day - wonderful picture of one of my fave verses. ANytime!

WrightStuff said...

I love the way you chose to illustrate this verse. Very unique and special.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a pleasure to "meet" you through my blog today. Thank you for stopping by and visiting. Now I am seeing your beautiful work here and stand amazed at your talent and creativity. Thank you for sharing this with us. May God continue to bless your ministry of art and verse together. What a gift from God!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful way to begin my day. Love this!

Lisa Richards said...

Beautiful verse and scripture journal page!

Daniele Valois said...

so pretty!

minnemie said...

Peggy, I really enjoy your blog and your beautiful approach in making God's Word visible:-)

Toqua's Crafts said...

I *Love* this drawing!
I print the bulletins for our small church and am always on the lookout for images to use in our bulletins. (I print 40 weekly and we usually have extras). Would you mind if I used this image? I would be more than happy to reference your name and / or blog in the bulletin,

Thank you so much for stopping by my place earlier!


Michelle Webb said...

What a wonderfully inspiring blog, I have really enjoyed having a look at your amazing creative art work. I will be back again and again. Michelle x

irinapictures said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and thank you for your kindest comment. And thank you for the joy and creativity I found here, in your blog. Good luck!

Create With Joy said...

Thank you once more for sharing another amazing piece of art with us Peggy! Congratulations - you've been featured at Inspire Me Monday at

Create With Joy

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