Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: WOYWW: Fear of Blank Pages?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

WOYWW: Fear of Blank Pages?

My new bible journal is still blank, waiting for me to make the first illustration on its wide margins.  I guess I am a little bit afraid of starting on those nice blank spaces.  Have you ever felt that way with a new sketchbook or journal?

I finally took off the plastic wrap and turned it to the verse I've decided I will illustrate first, one of my favorite verses, "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:33.  Hopefully, by next week, I can show you what I have done for my "Illustrated Faith" project.

You may think I have gotten my desk cleared up but I guess there is always something that comes along to fill it up.  This time it is some clearbook binders which I will use to organize some travel memorabilia. See how I have again used the push back method to make some space!

That's it for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday this week.  And for Word Art Wednesday, an illustration for my reflection on John 15:19...

Wishing you a blessed week!

13 blog hugs:

Helen said...

that first page is always a little daunting, but I am sure your illustration will be perfect! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

kiwimeskreations said...

Peggy I think I too would be hesitant to do a first illustration in a Bible... it took me a while to even underline a verse!
Love your journal page - beautiful as ever!

Sue Jones said...

ha ha - a method I use too for space!. Have a great week! Soojay 8 x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Yes, the blank page or canvas is daunting. When I did Art exams, my teacher always taught us to completely cover the canvas in coloured paint, so the white blankness wouldn't put you off starting a always worked!
Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

Annie said...

I think you're very brave illustrating the pages but I know you will make a great job of it all.
Annie x #6

Annie said...
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Lisca said...

Oh I can identify with that.I hesitate even underlining in a new Bible (or any book really). I have never illustrated my Bible as mine doesn't have wide margins. But one day I might, who knows.
Have a good week and a blog hug to you too,

Glenda said...

Each great journey begins with the first step. I just know this will be a lovely creation. Glenda #26

Unknown said...

I know your bible journaling will be just beautiful. #33

Bridget Larsen said...

That is an unusual book with such a wide margin, your penmanship is so cool. you should make a video of your work actually doing the writing
Bridget #11

Julia Dunnit said...

You and I seem to be the top advocates for the Push Back method. Works so well! Im with you gal, the blank page syndrome; makes you hesitant! But of all the places, your new bible is the one where you need not worry about how it emerges..

Unknown said...

Hihi! Happy belated WOYWW, I'm spending my Thursday being nosy!

I LOVE that bible, looks like it has great potential for a journal! I can't wait to see what you do with it and you've simply inspired me to try the same thing someday. I have so many want-tos piled up in my notebook at the moment. :)

Thank you for sharing your desk today (yesterday)!

Michelle #56

Kelly said...

finding our 'start' is always a challenge but once you start, you'll do fabulous! Love the wide margins. Beautiful piece for Wordart Wednesday. Creative Blessings! Kelly #42

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