Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: WOYWW: Puerto Galera

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

WOYWW: Puerto Galera

It seems that the Weekly What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday link party is the only reason my blog still gets updated!  The WOYWW anniversary is coming up and hopefully I will be able to get some ATCs done.  My main desk is still filled with the mess of travel stuff that needs to be put away so I am showing you my prayer desk with an acrylic painting I made while helping my niece practice painting.

There is also a prayer journal from my future daughter-in-law.  It has a wonderful reminder...

Here is my WIP journal illustration for today.  

And the reason I haven't gotten to do much blog visiting - a trip to Puerto Galera...

And as usual, more pictures in Instagram (of arts and crafts:@peggy_aplSEEDS, and of my travels: @peggyapl)

10 blog hugs:

1. Peggy Lin said...

Happy WOYWW and have a nice day <3
Peggy Lin #14

2. kiwimeskreations said...

I don't blame you for not getting work done to blog about when you are away at such a gorgeous place!! Love your background and the completed page.

3. Annie said...

What gorgeous photos of an obviously stunning place to lucky are you? :-)
Have a great week.
Annie x # 32

4. fairy thoughts said...

I can see from the photos it would be a bit of a distraction..... All that sun and sea and fun stuck ..... It's a dirty job but someone has to do it ...... It would be rude to be sat at your computer with all that tropical paradise around you
Jealous Janet @32

5. Lisca said...

Wow! That is some stunning location! No wonder you were distracted....
Yes, with God everything is possible. We have a worship song here called:'Todo es posible'. It's so true.
Thank you for your reply about the T'obli embroidered blouse. It's beautiful! So colorful!

6. PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Wow, love those travel photos! I don't know where Puerto Galera is but now I want to go there! I have been following your painting on Instagram and loving them. Shel@PaperOcotilloStudio #17

7. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

That is an amazing place to visit, lucky you. Love your journal page. Hoping you have a great crafty week. Happy woyww, Angela x 36 x

8. pearshapedcrafting said...

Love the face on your journal page! Great views too! Chris 63

9. okienurse said...

beautiful post this week. Love the journals and those travel pics are awesome. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Vickie #8

10. Neet said...

That place is so beautiful it is hard to realise it is real - looks like paradise. So glad you had a lovely time there.
Thanks for the desk show - nice to see you teaching someone how to paint - if only I lived closer.
Hugs Neet 23 xxx

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