Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Paints

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Paints

Dear blog friends, thank you so much for dropping by!  I have been quite busy and haven't been able to go visiting so please forgive me if I haven't been able to return your visits.  I will try to do better this week.  I still haven't had the time to tidy up and the pile on my desk is even higher, this time with my paint tray on top.

Here is the Mother and Child I was working on.  I haven't decided if it is finished or if I will go back to it later.  Meanwhile, I started on another painting, just so that I would have something new on my desk to show you...

There's still time for you to join my giveaway.  If you want a chance to win one of my original paintings, please leave a comment in my giveaway post.  

Drop by Julia's Stamping Ground and get a peek at more desks!

Edit:  And because it is now Friday and I didn't have time to make a new post, I thought I'd share my paintings here with blog friends from Paint Party Friday and Studio Sneak Peek as well!

49 blog hugs:

Judys Lace Creations said...

Lovely, gentle pictures here Paggi

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sometimes life gets in the way of visiting friends on the internet. We understand. We've been there, too. Happy WOYWW from #4.

Joynana said...

Gorgeous art, keep it up. I love visiting you are such an inspiration. #10

Maria said...

Your work is inspiration your painting is just beautiful....
So love what's on your desk...

Hugs from Oz

Create With Joy said...

Amazing as always!

Happy WOYWW from #18!

Create With Joy

famfa said...

Beautiful paintings
Famfa 13

Deb said...

wow, your artwork is just amazing!

kristin maynes said...

I love your work desk!!..and your paintings! You are so talented!!

Mauri said...

Is it possible to purchase your artwork or just win it? I would like to include your work in my Christmas gift to my sister.

Lisa said...

That is a lot of paint. Your works of art are amazing!

fishioslady said...

Wow those are great. Have a very blessed day.

sandra de said...

Beautiful paintings and always such a creative desk.
Sandra @23

Zue said...

Just love your lady in the blue painting...gorgeous!

SandeeNC said...

Beautiful :) waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Anonymous said...

You are SO talented. Beautiful paintings. Love all of your paints. Ali x #62

Annie said...

I love watching your paintings develop. You have such talent.
A x #64

CraftygasheadZo said...

Fab work and look at those yummy paints! Take care Zo xx 73

okienurse said...

Great works in progress there! I love all your paintings and enjoy watching where they go. Very inspiring. Have a great week. Vickie #87

Karen McAlpine said...

Lovely artwork!
Karen 102

pearshapedcrafting said...

So glad I came here - your paintings are fantastic. Chris 99

Unknown said...

rainbow goodness on your desk, nice work! #109

Unknown said...

So glad I found your blog--what beautiful, amazing artwork you create! Love your newest paintings! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh at #11

Danielle said...

Mother and child looks beautiful! And the new painting is off to a great start. dani 123

Julia Dunnit said...

I think the piles do not matter, just as long as your paints are on the top!

Lindsay Weirich said...

Lovely work! happy woyww! Lindsay #110

Dainty Diva said...

Your paints has helped you produce some nice paintings.

Bridget Larsen said...

Wow your drawings are to die for
Bridget #3

Unknown said...

Beautiful work!

I'm a little late but still wishing you a happy WOYWW!


Twiglet said...

Your Mother and Child picture is really beautiful - so many lovely paints to use there Peggy! x Jo

Unknown said...

Peggy - your work is as stunning as ever - a real treat for the soul as well as the eyes.

I couldn't believe it when I checked to see if I was a follower - after visiting your blog on and off for the last couple of years+ I thought I was - anyway, soon rectified that and added myself so that I can see all your creations in my google reader.

big hugs to you

Paula x x x

Tamika said...

Your paint collection is awesome!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Love the mother with child in the forest painting. It is so serene and relaxing. Actually, so does the new painting you've started.

Anonymous said...

I love your soft, gentle paintings. It looks like you keep your paints on a tray -- that's a good idea -- easy to move around when you want to paint somewhere else, perhaps? Happy WOYWW (on Thursday). ~ Laura #22

Natasha said...

Beautiful art work. Loved seeing what you are working on at the moment/ Gorgeous work.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Lovely to find artists through PPF, your work has a really nice calm atmosphere to it, I enjoyed my visit! Betty

Mary C. Nasser said...

Love the shot of your studio and both your paintings!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Carola Bartz said...

Your mother and child painting is lovely. To me it looks quite finished, but I know how difficult it can be to say whether a painting is finished or not. The new painting is beautiful as well, I like your colors.

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Nice work. I always love seeing whats on others work desks. I have those same watercolors. HPPF

Daniele Valois said...

gorgeous work!!!

Faye said...

Peggy, I think the mother and child is finished. It is very beautiful.

Unknown said...

oh how sweet your work is!!! I absolutely love what you have been creating!!!! Wonderful work!!! happy PPF!!!!

Robin Panzer Art said...

Happy WOYWW AND PPF to you Peggy! WOYWW has gotten so large that I can't seem to make a dent before PPF gets here and I'm on to visit my PPF friends, but I am determined to find a way! Lovely work as always!

Marji said...

beautiful work. I like them both. When I'm not sure if I'm done with a painting I just let it sit for a day or two. It usually makes up its mind by them :) Happy PPF

GlorV1 said...

Great workspace with great looking paints and awesome work. Nice job. I like them both.

Molly said...

both pieces are lovely... the soft colors work beautifully with their gentle expressions.

Linda Kunsman said...

Your mother and child especially just took my breath away-the mother has such a loving radience showing. Thank you for sharing and happy PPF!

jeanie de la rama said...

Thanks for your visit to my blog. Your paintings are lovely.I will be joining your giveaway!:)

Unknown said...

your mother and child are so beautiful - they look like they are at one with the beautiful woods behind them. And I love the beginning of your new painting - your touch is so gentle. Joining your giveaway! Happy PPF!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

I love your Mother and Child piece. The colors are so beautiful and peaceful and pretty! :)

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