Google+ peggy aplSEEDS: What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Nothing!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Nothing!

Yes, once in a while, on Wednesdays, my desk gets super clean.  Shocking, I know!

And another shock, a very short post!  I say, my messy desk is much more interesting!

If you haven't yet, there's still time to join my giveaway!  

37 blog hugs:

l00pyscraftcreations said...

What have you done??????????????????
You cant clean it like that!!!!!!!!
That's not Fair!!!
Now I cant play this week!!
oh cant wait til you mess it up again! lol

have a fab week,

Pretty Things said...

You have some gorgeous things on those shelves!

MarveLes Art Studios said...

Always feels good (for a little while) to have a clean desk!! Feels even better to get it messy??!!

martinealison said...

Cette semaine j'ai fait aussi le nettoyage de printemps à l'atelier... On se sent toute neuve après...
Gros bisous

SandeeNC said...

Your desk looks beautiful all nice and clean like that...maybe we should switch up one week and everyone show their clean desk...wait....not me of course, lol That's too much work! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I nearly fell over in SHOCK!! I couldn't believe it. Love it, since I'm a clean freak! Happy WOYWW from #4 this week.

Karen said...

WOW that IS tidy, it looks really amazing!

Have a fab WOYWW and a lovely week, Hugs, Karen xx #12


nothing really on my desk either. Just gotta clean and regoup! needlewings#20

BJ said...

Now that's what I call TIDY, I'm liking it BJ#18

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh your desk looks like mine this week! Isnt it exciting a whole world of creative possibilities are now awaiting to fill up that empty space - I cant wait! thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 29

Eliza said...

Its DEPRESSING to look at and so wrong.... come on mess it up, you will feel much better, honest you will.

I cant believe you even used the duster brush on it. Depressing...

Eliza #19

Daisy236 said...

I love that feeling....a clean desk! Just waiting for a new project to come along and make it messy again! Joanne #46

Annie said...

Oh how go and get messy :-)
A x #60

Redanne said...

If my desk was EVER that clean I would not want to mess it up again! So impressed. Anne #44

Lynn Holland said...

I love a clean desk its a great gateway to starting something fresh.
Lynn 53
One I made earlier today

Helen said...

like the duster brush! but as you say, messy is more interesting - will come back next time - bet it's messy!! Helen. 7

Julia Dunnit said...

I panicked. I thought you'd moved house! I prefer the artfully placed everywhere look. But I understand..there reaches a stage where tidying isnt enough and you have to do it completely so you can clean. I get it.. I do it. But not often!

Unknown said...

Lovely looking desk even if there isn't much going on! What's the green thingy, is it a duster? #73

CraftygasheadZo said...

Super tidy! But it seems wrong somehow, so I think you need to get it messy again! Take care & enjoy this week's WOYWW offerings! Zo xx 68

Tracey said...

oh I must be sad cause I do love a clean desk, its like an invitation to mess it up. Lots of interesting boxes and bits on your shelves. Tracey x

MvM-design said...

Clean desk!

Happy WOYWW Wednesday!

Hugs Marleen #25

Jingle said...

It looks fabulous!

Lisa Richards said...

Congratulations on having a clean desk! Now, get back to work!!! :D
Have a great WOYWW!

Unknown said...

Wow! Well done. Now you need to mess it up again! All that lovely space to fill with crafting!
Carolyn #115

BumbleVee said...

I dunno...I kinda like tidy for a change. I love to see what the desk is actually made of ..hahahha...


May said...

Tidy, Tidy, Tidy... Yikes!!! Quick get messy... Hugs May x x x #32

Kath Stewart said...

wow peggy...thanks for today's crafty snoop...that sure is one shiny sparkly clean desk...Happy WOYWW...hugs kath (59)

Anne-marie said...

Wow your desk is very tidy, love the boxes on the shelves. Have a fab week
Anne-marie no 85

Anne-marie said...
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Anne-marie said...
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Spyder said...

I was wondering what you use the green thing for! A super sweeper-upper! I'm in a field om my 3G dongle, zooming around as quick as I can, while I can! HAPPY WOYWW!
((Lyn)) #47

Hazel said...

Certainly very clean and organised - wonder how long it will stay like that? - thanks for sharing - Hazel, WOYWW #10 x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Whoa! It is totally clean. It looks good like that but kind of naked too. I think you need to mess it up some; it is more fun that way!!!

The Weekend Artist said...

It took me awhile to get here and I am surprised! Nice shiny table top =)


The Weekend Artist said...

It took me awhile to get here and I am surprised! Nice shiny table top =)


The Weekend Artist said...

It took me awhile to get here and I am surprised! Nice shiny table top =)


Diana Taylor said...

I LOVE it and I love your boxes on the shelf! I can't work on a messy desk and am constantly tidying away stuff, even stuff I know I'll need in a while! I love the picture of the girl and the orange background - it's beautiful.
Have a great week.

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