Busy, busy, busy! My desk is busy with sewing projects this week. I decided to alter some clothes to fit me (no, I did not lose or gain weight, I just bought wrong sized clothes because they didn't have them in my size and they were cheap!). I also cut some long sleeves to make them short (it is often hot in the Philippines!) So there's my sewing machine, which is usually covered and pushed to the end of my desk. And beside it, is my sewing box and all sorts of threads, scissors, etc.
And just for you, I propped up my latest collage in the midst of the mess. I described how I made it with wall putty, watercolors, colored pencils, and book paper in my previous post.
For those of you who wanted to take a peek inside some of the plastic bins under my desk, here's one filled with empty mini tins that I plan to alter one of these days, a Thing-a-ma-jig that I plan to use one of these days, some flowers I will use one of these days, and all sorts of "one of these days" kinds of things.
Here is another drawer and this time it's filled with poster paints, acrylics, chalk pastels and other materials. At least I use these (dirty paint tray as evidence!)
If you have no idea what "What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday" is all about, pop on over to Julia's blog. And if you haven't invited us to take a peek at your desk yet, why not join in the fun!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Sewing, Collage, Storage
Arts and Crafts,
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
He who plants a tree, plants a hope.
He who plants a tree
Plants a hope.
Lucy Larcom
Hello to my wonderful blog friends! I thought I would share with you a collage I finished the other day. I made it by first coating a board with wall putty and when the putty was dry, I painted it with watercolor for the trunk, the grass and the background. I like using a variety of shades when I do this. Then I used colored pencils (also in various shades) to outline the tree trunk and grass, and to put swirls in the background. I love how the colored pencils bring out the texture of the wall putty.Then I got some book paper and colored a few pages in various shades of green, purple, aqua, fuschia, yellow orange and blue. When the book paper was dry, I cut out the leaf and fruit shapes, trying to find nice words on the page. Some of the leaves and fruits have words like love, time, truth, God, heart, teach, prayers. After pasting all the leaves and fruits, I decided I wanted to put in some birds (oh, you know how fond I am of birds if you've visited before). After painting the birds, I pasted them on as well. I plan to use this image for some of the products we make for our shop, Papemelroti. I will add some quotations to the background (digitally) for some of the products. Hope you like it!
That little bird has chosen his shelter.
Above it are the stars and the deep heaven of worlds.
Yet he is rocking himself to sleep without caring for tomorrow's lodging,
calmly clinging to his little twig, and leaving God to think for him.
- Martin Luther
- Martin Luther
Arts and Crafts,
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday: Paper Folding
Hello, everyone! Ahhh, it's Wednesday and on my workdesk today are artist trading cards in various stages. I am pasting the backing on a few so that I can send off the ones I have traded...
Have I shown you the plastic bins under my desk? They are filled with all sorts of papers, paints, beads, rubber stamps and whatever fits in...
And let me show you a paper flower I made from this tutorial. I used book paper but you can use all sorts of colorful paper. You can even make a lot of individual flowers and glue them together to form a Japanese kusudama, a paper ball traditionally used for incense or potpourri. This tutorial shows how.
So how about you? What have you been up to? If you are interested to see what other bloggers have been doing on their desks, just go visit the Queen of WOYWW, Julia. Or why not join the fun and let us take a peek at your desk if you haven't already.
Arts and Crafts,
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thirty Five Years of God's Faithfulness

Thirty five years ago, a handful of men and women who attended a weekly prayer meeting experienced the growing desire to be a community, to be brothers and sisters like the early Christians were.
Starting out as a group of 41 men and women who attended a retreat in July 1975, the community, called Ang Ligaya ng Panginoon (The Joy of the Lord) now has more than 1,900 members. And I am one of them!
Yesterday we celebrated our anniversary, full of gratefulness for God's faithfulness for the past 35 years. What a joy to come together to celebrate!

This year, we were assigned to make new banners with each of the 35 years' themes. I was assigned to design banners for the years 1977: "You shall see my glory" and 1978: "I have called you to be my people".
After we had the two banners made (there was too little time to make the whole banner ourselves), some of us decorated the banners with stitching and some sequins and beads. It was wonderful to see the creativity of the different groups that made each of the 35 banners (each group so pleased with their handiwork)!
Our theme for this year is "More of God, more for God, 35 years of discipleship and service". From a roomful of people 35 years ago, to a gym full of brothers and sisters in the Lord, a community. And not only that, we are bound together with Christians from all over the world, members of the Sword of the Spirit, an international, ecumenical association of Christian covenant communities. How amazing to see how God can take our five loaves and two fishes and multiply them. How wonderful to see how the mustard seed can grow...
“What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.” Mark 4:30-31
And I pray that in the coming years, we will always hunger and thirst for more of God and continue to be faithful in loving and serving Him and living our lives more and more for Him.
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9
“What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.” Mark 4:30-31
And I pray that in the coming years, we will always hunger and thirst for more of God and continue to be faithful in loving and serving Him and living our lives more and more for Him.
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9
Arts and Crafts,
Bible Verses,
Christian Living
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Blue Bear Giveaway
When I was a child, I had a blue bear named "Bluey Bear" (what can I say, I sure was creative in naming him, right?) In those days, we didn't have a lot of toys and so, Bluey Bear was really special to me. When he got old, someone said we should donate our toys to the poor children and so I did. But later, I regretted giving him away. Although of course, I like to think he made someone else happy too.
Blog Giveaways,
Life Lessons
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
WOYWW: Blessings of Generosity
What's on my workdesk this Wednesday? Blessings from generous blog friends! I am often filled with gratefulness for the amazingly generous bloggers who offer all sorts of wonderful giveaways. And so today, I honor and thank them. I confess, I love joining those giveaways! And yay! - what a blessing when I win something! Ever since I started trading artist trading cards, blogging and joining giveaways, the postman has been a lot busier and I always look forward to his visits!

For a peek at some other workdesks, hop on over to Julia's blog or join in the fun and post your own desk!
Blog Giveaways,
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Speaking of Birds...
While I'm on the subject of birds, let me tell you about Squirt...
A few years ago, while on vacation, I was walking to the beach when I saw a baby bird on the footpath. The poor bird was just sitting there and some ants were starting to surround him. For a while, I thought he was dead but when I realized he was still alive, I looked around for a nest or a mommy bird. There was none in sight. What could I do?
I hurriedly rescued him from the ants and brought him back to the beach house, putting Tina, my environmentalist/ birdwatcher sister in charge of him (fortunately, she agreed to adopt him).
Back home, Tina researched on the Internet and found out that taking care of a baby bird is no easy task. She had to keep the baby bird warm all the time, specially at the start. That meant she could hardly get any sleep at all (does that sound familiar, mommies?) Everyday, Tina brought the baby bird to work with her (fortunately, my 3 sisters and I all work in the family business and she could do this). We eventually named the baby bird, "Squirt" because, well, he wasn't toilet trained and he squirted bird poop all over. I took to wearing toilet paper "epaulettes" or wearing a shawl, or sometimes putting toilet paper on my head because Squirt liked to perch on my shoulder while I worked!
We taught him how to fly, first, just from one hand to another, then arm's length, then across our office room. He started flying wherever he wanted, one desk to another...
...inspecting my designs (no, no! don't squirt on that!)...
and feeling so comfortable with us.
(Edit: My sister Patsy told me a post about Squirt is not be complete without a video. And although so unflattering for me, here is one where it seems he does not want me to talk on the phone...)
To be "friends" with a bird made me feel like St. Francis (known to be the patron saint of animals and the environment)! What an amazing experience!
(Edit: My sister Patsy told me a post about Squirt is not be complete without a video. And although so unflattering for me, here is one where it seems he does not want me to talk on the phone...)
To be "friends" with a bird made me feel like St. Francis (known to be the patron saint of animals and the environment)! What an amazing experience!
But as he grew, we knew that we would eventually have to let him go. By the time we felt he was ready to be released into my mom's big garden, my mom was so attached to him, she didn't want to let him go (she was the baby bird sitter when Tina went out). But of course, Tina told her that it was best for Squirt to be free. We had to let him go.
The big day of Squirt's release came and we all gathered in my mom's house to say our goodbyes. Then, we took Squirt out into the balcony, where he could fly off into the garden. We sat in the balcony for some time, showing him the garden, but he just stayed with us, flying from one head to another.
After waiting for some time, we decided to try again another day. My mom was so happy and perhaps all of us were half hoping he wouldn't fly off.
The following day, with my mom and sisters in my mom's garden (unfortunately, I wasn't there), Squirt flew off and after a few minutes, returned to them and flew from one shoulder to another, from one head to another as if to say, "ok, I've checked out the garden and I'll be going soon, goodbye!" They all went to sit in the balcony and after a few minutes, Squirt flew off. It was a bittersweet moment and the end of the wonderful experience of having him with us.
Sometimes, we have to say goodbye and it is hard, even if it is just a bird! And sometimes the thought of having to say goodbye can keep us from doing something we want to do. Recently, my sister Meldy started the process of becoming a foster parent, taking care of babies who are waiting to be adopted (You need to be accredited first). We got to talking about how we had to say goodbye to Squirt and what will happen when we have to say goodbye to the babies she will be taking care of! "Oh, we are going to cry, we will find it so hard to do", my sister Patsy worried. It was funny because Meldy had not even started submitting the requirements for accreditation and we were already thinking about how hard it would be to say goodbye.
But then, life is full of goodbyes, little ones as well as big ones. We say goodbye to youth, to friends and classmates, loved ones, familiar places, familiar ways of doing things. We can't let our fear of saying goodbye keep us from loving or from doing what is right and good. I have learned that the experience of loving is worth far more than the pain of saying goodbye.
And back to birds, here is the ATC I was making in my previous post...
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
Dr. Seuss
Artist Trading Cards,
Arts and Crafts,
Life Lessons,
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Birdseed Blessings: Birds on My Workdesk!

It wasn't always so. For months after we put the bird feeder up, we kept waiting to see if the birds had found it. We were so happy and excited when we finally saw one bird perched on the feeder. Finally, we thought!
Sometimes I think we are like these birds, not knowing what blessings God is so eager to give us. In His goodness and generosity, He is just waiting for us to claim these blessings. How He delights when we receive the blessings He wants to give us!
And is not His Word a great blessing just waiting to be discovered? Are not some of our bibles just kept on a shelf, waiting to be discovered? So many words of blessing, consolation, hope, help, encouragement, healing, promise, wisdom ("For the word of God is alive and powerful. Hebrews 4:12"), just waiting to be discovered.
And are not those who have discovered these blessings like the birds who first discovered our bird feeder? The first bird brought another and that one brought another and today, so many birds come every day. My prayer is that I may always be open to receive whatever blessings that God wants to give me and I may always share these blessings with others.
The birds that visit us are my inspiration for my latest Artist trading cards. Our visitor birds are little brown Maya birds (that's what we call them) but the birds I am making are colorful birds copied from an old children's book my son (who is now 16 years old) was giving away. (Edit: If you like birds, I think you will like the story of Squirt, the baby bird I found and befriended).
So this is what is on my work desk this Wednesday. For a peek at other work desks joining What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, drop by Julia's blog.
they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than they?"
Matthew 6:26
May you discover your own birdseed blessings!
May you discover your own birdseed blessings!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
A New Hope
The Philippines has a new president. Last Wednesday, Benigno Aquino III was sworn in as the Philippines’ 15th President. The son of former President Corazon Aquino and slain opposition leader Benigno Aquino,Jr., Noynoy, as he is called, won the May presidential election by a landslide with his promises to fight corruption.
And so there is renewed hope among many Filipinos. And hopefully, each one of us will do our share, even in just the everyday things we do, just as this song says...
(I'm not a very good translator, and Goggle translator is even worse, but the lyrics say something like this...)
I am a good Filipino,
I love my country,
I fulfill my duties,
I follow the rules,
I cross the street in the right place,
I board my ride in the right place,
Queue and not push my way to the front
And I don't lord it over others in the streets
I let people get off and on my vehicle at the right place
Not blocking the road as if I don't care
I give way to pedestrians crossing the street
I stop when the light is red
[Chorus]Because I am a good Filipino
I love my country
I fulfill my duties
I follow the rules
I don't ask for bribes and I don't bribe
The only thing I accept are the tickets issued
I stand right there in the corner
And not hide under a tree (referring to policemen)
I'm don't spread garbage in the street
My vehicle isn't a smoke belcher
I put the mess in the garbage
I care for our environment
[Repeat chorus]
I'm always listen to my parents
So I study well
I don't use illegal drugs
Or just hang around in school, not attending
I defend my honor
Because it's my only treasure
I will not sell my future
I value my vote
[Repeat chorus]
I am a loyal and true servant of the people
I don't allow favor or bribery
My service to the people is true
I don't pocket the money of the people
I defend the Filipino citizens
I acknowledge their rights
I respect my fellow man
I fighting for the honor of my country.
[Repeat chorus twice]
Because I am a good Filipino
Because I am a good Filipino
Because I am a good Filipino
And for the Filipinos out there, let me know if you have a better translation...
I am a good Filipino,
I love my country,
I fulfill my duties,
I follow the rules,
I cross the street in the right place,
I board my ride in the right place,
Queue and not push my way to the front
And I don't lord it over others in the streets
I let people get off and on my vehicle at the right place
Not blocking the road as if I don't care
I give way to pedestrians crossing the street
I stop when the light is red
[Chorus]Because I am a good Filipino
I love my country
I fulfill my duties
I follow the rules
I don't ask for bribes and I don't bribe
The only thing I accept are the tickets issued
I stand right there in the corner
And not hide under a tree (referring to policemen)
I'm don't spread garbage in the street
My vehicle isn't a smoke belcher
I put the mess in the garbage
I care for our environment
[Repeat chorus]
I'm always listen to my parents
So I study well
I don't use illegal drugs
Or just hang around in school, not attending
I defend my honor
Because it's my only treasure
I will not sell my future
I value my vote
[Repeat chorus]
I am a loyal and true servant of the people
I don't allow favor or bribery
My service to the people is true
I don't pocket the money of the people
I defend the Filipino citizens
I acknowledge their rights
I respect my fellow man
I fighting for the honor of my country.
[Repeat chorus twice]
Because I am a good Filipino
Because I am a good Filipino
Because I am a good Filipino
And for the Filipinos out there, let me know if you have a better translation...
Ako’y isang mabuting Pilipino
Minamahal ko ang bayan ko
Tinutupad ko ang aking mga tungkulin
Sinusunod ko ang kanyang mga alituntunin
Tumatawid ako sa tamang tawiran
Sumasakay ako sa tamang sakayan
Pumipila at ‘di nakikipag-unahan
At ‘di ako pasiga-siga sa lansangan
Bumababa’t nagsasakay ako sa tamang sakayan (Nagbababa ako sa tamang babaan)
‘di nakahambalang parang walang pakiaalam
Pinagbibigyan kong mga tumatawid sa kalsada
Humihinto ako ‘pag ang ilaw ay pula
‘pagkat ako’y isang mabuting Pilipino
Minamahal ko ang bayan ko
Tinutupad ko ang aking mga tungkulin
Sinusunod ko ang kanyang mga alituntunin
‘Di ako nagongotong o nagbibigay ng lagay
Ticket lamang ang tinatanggap kong ibinibigay
Ako’y nakatayo doon mismo sa kanto
At ‘di nagtatago sa ilalim ng puno
‘Di ako nagkakalat ng basura sa lansangan
‘Di bumubuga ng usok ang aking sasakyan
Inaayos ko ang mga kalat sa basurahan
Inaalagaan ko ang ating kapaligiran
[repeat chorus]
Lagi akong nakikinig sa aking mga magulang
Kaya’t pag-aaral ay aking pinagbubutihan
‘di ako gumagamit ng bawal na gamot
O kaya’y tumatambay at sa eskwela’y ‘di pumapasok
Ipinagtatanggol ko ang aking karangalan
‘pagkat ito lamang ang tangi kong kayamanan
‘di ko ibinebenta ang aking kinabukasan
Ang boto ko’y aking pinahahalagahan
[repeat chorus]Ako’y isang tapat at totoong lingkod ng bayan
Pabor o lagay ay ‘di ko pinapayagan
Tapat ang serbisyo ko sa mamamayan
‘Di ko ibinubulsa ang pera ng bayan
Ipinagtatanggol ko ang mamamayang Pilipino
Mga karapatan nila’y kinikilala ko
Iginagalang ko ang aking kapwa tao
Ipinaglalaban ko ang dangal ng bayan ko.
[repeat chorus twice]
Pagkat ako’y isang mabuting Pilipino
Pagkat ako’y isang mabuting Pilipino
Pagkat ako’y isang mabuting Pilipino
And the winner for my ATC giveaway is Dianne!
Go and visit her blog "My Art Journal" and admire her mixed media art! Congratulations, Dianne!

Go and visit her blog "My Art Journal" and admire her mixed media art! Congratulations, Dianne!
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