My desk is still in a mess today for
What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday but it is nothing compared to the state of calamity that
Typhoon Haiyan, said to be the strongest storm ever to hit land, left the eastern part of the Philippines in. In the words of a CNN report,
"The stories coming out of the Philippines are unimaginable. Rushing water and wind tearing children away from their parents' arms. A death toll that may reach 10,000. A city of 200,000 in which no buildings appear to have survived intact."
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From the time the typhoon struck early Friday morning until yesterday, our cook could not get in touch with her family in Leyte. She saw news of the devastation in her hometown, with all the homes gone, but she had no idea if her family survived. Yesterday, she finally got the good news that although her family no longer had a home, they were NOT among the thousands who died in the storm. Thank you, Lord!
Last month, there was a strong earthquake in a another part of the country and we had not even recovered from that calamity when this destructive typhoon hit. The need is just so great and no matter how much we, who are safe and dry, try to help, it just isn't enough. And that is why, even if I don't want to give you bad news, I decided to share with you. If you would like to help, CNN has a report on
how to help survivors. Any amount will help because even just $5 will feed a family for three to four days.
We have also had a rough weekend with my Mom's health and we continue to fervently pray for her. Through all this, I remember the words of Viktor Frankl, a survivor of the Nazi prison camps, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
And so I choose to say, together with the Psalmist, the words of Psalm 46...
I'm also sharing this illustration in
Word Art Wednesday. Thank you for dropping by! I'm sorry but it has been extra difficult to find time to go visiting. I hope your days have been more tranquil than mine. Be blessed, my dear blog friends!