Well, that's the state of my desk, hardly anything has changed except for more piles of stuff all around (even on top of my laptop!) I was so tempted to clean up before taking the picture but then, what's the point of WOYWW if I don't show you the real thing. (Visit Julia if you want to join or know more about WOYWW).
But, there is no more space to work comfortably so as soon as I took this picture, I started putting things in their proper places - pencils in the mugs, scissors in the blue container on the left, rubber stamps in a box on the shelf, ink pad in a bottom drawer, checkbook(!) also in a drawer, throw out the water... I am not yet done.
I have made some progress in the Mother and Child piece I am working on and perhaps it is finished (who knows)...
"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paint his own nature into his pictures."
Henry Ward Beecher
"In everything we create, works of art, music, literature, even our children - a bit of ourselves is revealed."
And the devotional goes on to say, "the same is true of God; each of us reveals a bit of Him." Thinking of my own children, and looking at this Mother and Child piece, I remember the verses in Ephesians 2:10, "You are God's work of art." And so, I delight to think that we are all beautiful in some way, because we are made "in His own image. Genesis 1:27
Anyone want to suggest a title for my Mother and Child?