Wednesday, March 23, 2016

WOYWW: Sew Busy

There's something new going on in my desk for What's on your Workdesk Wednesday

I'm doing some sewing. Nothing exciting, I just finished the seams in one of the blouses I bought in India.  I plan to wear it during the Easter Vigil Mass. Now that the sewing machine is out, I may decide to do the rest of the blouses as well.  I wish I had a serger or lived near Annie who offered to lend me hers!

By next Wednesday, we would have celebrated Easter, so I wish for you a meaningful and joyful Easter.  It is a such a special day for us, celebrating Jesus rising from the dead.  And that's why I just had to unearth my sewing machine and get my special outfit ready for Easter ;-)


  1. Long time no sew - I really must do better!
    Easter is so special - I agree, and I love the Easter morning greeting of
    "Hallelujah, He is risen", with the response, "He is risen indeed"!

  2. Have a happy Easter and enjoy the weekend
    Hugs Nikki 6

  3. I don't know how to use a sewing machine, I wish I did! Happy Easter. Helen #2

  4. Ah a full desk, I too had my machine out yesterday - but I was technically sewing paper so I don't think that counts!

    Hope you have a great Wednesday

  5. Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful Easter. Anne x #24

  6. Happy Easter! I'm so impressed by your sewing skills, I can barely darn a sock! Thanks for sharing, happy WOYWW, Lyns #21

  7. Happy Easter to you too.
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #32

  8. I hope you let us see the finished project!

    Hope you have a nice Easter

    Sharon K #51

  9. I am doing a very quick whistle stop tour of my fav blogs in my lunch break today. It's pretty manic returning the bungalow to a little nearer normality for when our Dutch friends arrive tomorrow so please forgive me that it is such a quick visit.
    How lovely to see you using your machine.....have fun.
    Annie x # 11

  10. Good morning have a great Easter weekend.Hugs~Anne L#7

  11. I sew envy people who can sew and actually wear what they sew. I only sew on paper and a few creative lines when making something mixed media, but nothing to wear.. that is far from my sewing skills. Enjoy your company and Happy Easter to you!
    Kim #64

  12. I wish I owned a sewing machine! lol I've got 2 sets of bunting on the desk upstairs needing completed. haha Hope you have a lovely Easter! :)

  13. Happy Easter to you, as well as a Happy WOYWW!

  14. WTG on getting the blouse sized. The others will go quickly. Have a great weekend! Creative Blessings! Kelly #49

  15. I hope you had a lovely Good Friday. We used to get new special outfits for the Easter service when I was a kid.
    My son just spent a few days in Manilla for work and claims it is beautiful and he would love to go back and explore more of the country.
    Happy very belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #62

  16. Well I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend. Take care Zo xx 43


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