Wednesday, February 18, 2015

WOYWW: Ash Wednesday

My 98 year old Auntie Eliza died last night and we had a late night so I almost forgot that today is a Wednesday and time for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday.  My main desk did not stay tidy for long and even my prayer desk is filled.  There is a book about Jesus that we are studying, my copy of The Word Among Us and one of my prayer journal illustrations, just in time for Ash Wednesday today...

"Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting, is the first day of Lent in Western Christianity... Ashes are ceremonially placed on the heads of Christians on Ash Wednesday, more often by being marked on their foreheads as a visible cross. The words used traditionally to accompany this gesture are: 

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. 

In the 1969 revision of the Roman Rite, an alternative formula was introduced and given first place: 

Repent, and believe in the Gospel. 

The old formula, based on the words spoken to Adam and Eve after their sin, reminds worshippers of their sinfulness and mortality and thus, implicitly, of their need to repent in time." - Wikipedia

Last Sunday, it was the first death anniversary of my Mom, and on Monday we were back in the same hospital where she died to bring my Auntie.  Indeed, we are dust and to dust we shall return.  A blessed Lenten season to you, if you celebrate the season.

Sharing this in Sharing this in Word Art Wednesday and Inspire Me Monday!


  1. Peggy what a difficult time as one death invades, as it were, the anniversary of the other, but through the death of Jesus we have HOPE, and Peace.
    {{{{{Hugs}}}}} and blessings

  2. Sorry to hear about your loss. Your paintings are always so beautiful. Helen #6

  3. I had to have a giggle, among the art supplies is the iPad and the iPhone happy Wednesday.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda #2

  4. Hugs and sympathy to you and yours. I think weather changes are hard on the elderly too. (I had 3 area deaths this past 2 weeks)(and a cousin far away, so quick with Pancreatic cancer) just a hard time for us to say goodbye. Yes the Ash Wednesday will be here for us in a few hours. Reflect on the good memories of your family and remember we are blessed to have had what time we did with all you have passed. Bleassings to you and yours.

  5. I haven't got my usual day with the twins today as it's half term hols here but I'm off for a fun few hours with all 5 of my Grandies at Amy's later so am catching up with my fav blogs before I go. :-)
    I'm sorry to hear of your loss but 98! What a wonderfully long life she had. That will be a life to celebrate for sure.
    Annie x # 22

  6. Hello Peggy. 98 is a tremendous age - so sad for all left behind - but what a joy to the person who knows Jesus to finally be with Him for ever. A hope in that Life in Him is so precious.
    Your page is lovely. The guilt and the shame of sin, no longer marring us as we trust in Jesus.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  7. So sorry to hear about your aunt, and so close to the anniversary of your mothers death too.
    Wonderful journal page as always.
    Hugs, Neet 26bxx

  8. Sad time but it looks like you are ready to study his word Ash Wednesday is always such a solemn reminder of our mortality.
    sandra de @3

  9. Such sad news but there must be a lot to celebrate in a long lived life ... May the Good Lord bring you all comfort and peace in this time of sadness.
    Bishopsmate #48

  10. So sorry to hear the sad news of your loved on passing. Your illustration for ash Wednesday is beautiful...just the right expression on the woman's face. Shel-PaperOctilloStudio #42

  11. Sending my sympathies, thoughts and prayers.


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